Back The International Congress on University Teaching and Innovation is back, this time under the theme: "Improving learning experiences: transformation and challenges"

The International Congress on University Teaching and Innovation is back, this time under the theme: "Improving learning experiences: transformation and challenges"

Teachers may send their participation proposals until January 21, 2023


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The International Congress on University Teaching and Innovation, already established as a meeting place for the improvement of teaching innovation, returns with a new conference under the theme "Improving learning experiences: transformation and challenges" on July 4, 5, and 6, 2023, at the University of Lleida.

The theme of the Congress is based on the fact that the world's universities are immersed in highly complex environments and processes of change that require the transformation of teaching models. Thus, the sessions and activities will focus on seeking strategies to promote quality environments that favor greater personalization and transversality in the educational process.

The period to submit proposals for participation is open until January 21, 2023, and the requirements are detailed here.

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