Back The evolution of plagiarism and the role of artificial intelligence: times to rethink assessment (24.01.23)

The evolution of plagiarism and the role of artificial intelligence: times to rethink assessment (24.01.23)

New appointment of the cycle "Research EDvolució" next January 24, 2023.



In this session of the Cicle Recerca EDvolució UPF we will reflect on how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is to disrupt teaching and learning, and in particular the assessment of learning. AI will write essays for students but also answer complex questions and generate computer code. Existing tools, such as Turnitin in our university, will not be able to identify these fakes. Experts are alerting that educational models based on traditional summative assessment to grade student abilities may face a credibility crisis soon. It is time to rethink assessment.

The session will include an invited talk by a recognized expert in educational technology, Mike Sharples - Emeritus Professor of Educational Technology in the Institute of Educational Technology at The Open University, UK and an open debate with the participation of the heads for teaching innovation at UPF centers and the audience.



January 24, 2023


Room 55.309, Poblenou Campus or online participation (session in English).


Registration is open and participation is certified as a teaching activity.


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