Legal Services
- Head of Service: Enric Arranz Serrano
Postal address
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Mercè building
Carrer de la Mercè 12
08002 Barcelona
Telephone: (34) 93 542 20 00
Fax : (34) 93 542 20 02
E-mail : [email protected]
The Legal Services provide the University with legal assistance. For administrative purposes, they report to the General Management.
They are entrusted to act as consultants, and in exercising this function they will not be subject to hierarchical reporting, either organizational or functional, nor will they receive instructions, guidelines or any kind of indication from the bodies that have drawn up the provisions or produced the documents subject to consultation. They will issue all reports that are required by law and those that the bodies that request them deem require resolving. They will likewise attend to all legal consultations made by the governing bodies and the persons responsible for the administrative units.
The lawyers attached to the Legal Services are responsible for the legal defence of the University and coordinate such defence in the event that such is entrusted by the rector to external lawyers.