Back Comissioner for UPF student academic career

  • Comissionat per a la trajectòria dels estudiants de la UPF: Pablo Pareja Alcaraz

Postal address

Universitat Pompeu Fabra 
Edifici Mercè
Carrer de la Mercè, 12 
08002 Barcelona


​Telèfon: 93 542 20 00

A/e [email protected]


The commissioner for UPF student academic career coordinates and oversees, under the leadership of the rector, the following matters:

  • The management, promotion and monitoring of the general UPForward project and specific projects deriving therefrom for the overall improvement of the services and of the interaction of the staff of the University with the students and Alumni throughout their career. The coordination and evaluation of these projects.
  • Dialogue with student representatives on the bodies of governance and representation, including student representatives and the UPF Student Council (CEUPF).
  • Promoting and monitoring the activities of student associations and student participation, including the areas of culture and sport.


Pablo Pareja Alcaraz is a Serra Húnter assistant lecturer on International Relations in the Law Department, where he is a member of the Research Group on International Public Law and International Relations. He holds a degree in Political Science (UPF, 2001), has undertaken postgraduate studies at the London School of Economics (MSc in European Studies, 2002), the University of Georgetown (Master of Science in Foreign Service, 2004) and UPF (Diploma of Advanced Studies, 2007; European Doctor, 2010). His lines of research are focused on the study of international order and cosmopolitan norms, international relations in East Asia and the transformation of contemporary international security. He has participated in a dozen competitive national and international research projects, and has published more than thirty academic papers, including in Mediterranean Quarterly, Energy Policy, the Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales and Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals.

Before taking the position as vice-rector in charge of student hosting, participation and accompaniment projects, he occupied different management posts, including academic coordinator of the interuniversity Master in International Relations and the Erasmus Mundus in Public Policy Master at the Barcelona Institute of International Studies (2005-2008 and 2008-2017, respectively); coordinator of teaching and international relations in the UPF Law Faculty (2010-2016); the rector’s delegate for student relations (2016-2017), and academic coordinator on the Master in European and Global Law of the Law Department (2017).