The Quality Commission of the UCA of Translation and Language Sciences is its highest management and quality control body (approved 23rd November 2017). This Commission is responsible for ensuring the introduction and effectiveness of the quality assurance system for degrees taught by the centre and has the specific role of ensuring the coordination and coherence of improvement measures for all degrees within the ambit of translation and language sciences. Likewise, it is also responsible for implementing, monitoring and improving a set of quality processes to deploy at each degree (Undergraduate, Master's and Doctorate) and, it guarantees the implementation, monitoring and improvement of a set of quality processes to be deployed on the teaching model.

Its functions are as follows: 

  1. to analyse and monitor quality indicators for degrees;
  2. to review and approve follow-up reports;
  3. to review and approve accreditation self-reports;
  4. to develop, review and approve the policy and quality objectives;
  5. to review the status of proposals for improvement plans and make new proposals;
  6. to review and approve the centre’s Quality Internal Assurance System.


The Quality Committee is made up of the following people:

  • Director of the centre: Anna Espunya Prat (President of the Commission)
  • Quality Manager: Carme Colominas Ventura
  • Dean: Carme Bach Martorell
  • Undergraduate Teaching Coordinator: Montse Cunillera Doménech
  • Master’s Teaching Coordinators: Gemma Andújar MorenoLouise E. McNally Seifert, Carmen López Ferrero, José Francisco Ruiz Casanova and Maria Dolors Cañada Pujols
  • Doctorate Teaching Coordinator: Luis Pejenaute Rodríguez
  • Head of Secretariat: Núria Sánchez Ginés
  • Faculty Representatives: Marta Marfany Simo
  • Student Representatives (Undergraduate, Master’s and Doctorate): Clàudia Martínez Hernández and Irene Latorre Limones

Sessions and agreements

Last update: 26-January-2024