Institutional head of language policy


The commissioner for Language Policy at the University will have the following roles and responsibilities:

  • Define the linguistic criteria for general use at the University.
  • Establish the use of the Catalan language in a multilingual environment.
  • Participate in the design and implementation of the policy on language use at UPF.
  • Define language training for PDI, PAS and students.

(Video with subtitles in English, Catalan and Spanish)


Languages of instruction: regulatory framework and responsibilities

Regulatory framework

The languages in which courses and subjects are taught are established individually for each large group, seminar and practicals group; they bind teachers and students, and must not be changed without express authorization. With this commitment to maintain the language announced in the teaching plan throughout the academic period of the subject, the transparency and linguistic security of both students and teachers is guaranteed.

Since each teaching group can have different languages of instruction from those of other groups of the same subject, languages of instruction are specifically included in the course plan in the section providing a detailed description of the subject. Thus, the Regulations governing the subject course plan are followed. To facilitate public consultation, the languages in which each group is taught can be found on the Course plan management application (DOA).

According to the Plan to strengthen the Catalan language in the university and research system of Catalonia (pages 25 and 27), and as we have been implementing at UPF since the application of the Plan of Action for for Multilingualism at UPF, the language of instruction is the one that the teacher uses mostly to teach, both orally and in writing, including the statements of the exams and tests and the teaching material of own elaboration. If a subject includes more than one language of instruction, the teacher can use them indiscriminately, both orally and in writing, and therefore students who enroll must be able to understand both the oral discourse and the teaching materials and the statements of exams and tests in any of the languages in question. 

Since the language of instruction cannot in principle be modified, any request for a change of language that a student may make is inadmissible. Therefore, the teacher cannot accept it for any reason or under any circumstances, because this would cause linguistic insecurity in the students, and eventually in the lecturer themselves. In the event of a request for a change of language by a student, the principle of linguistic security that presides over and regulates the academic activities of the University must be invoked. It is also necessary to remind the student that they have already been sufficiently informed about this circumstance, both through the guide or the teaching plan of the subject and through the website of the studies and the exchange coordinators, in in the case of international students; and that, in addition, the University provides the university community with a series of training, information and support tools and resources so that everyone can acquire sufficient language skills in at least the three main languages ​​of use of the University.

Respecting the language or languages of instruction as advertised is a guarantee for both students and lecturers. To ensure this guarantee, article 6 of the Regulation and promotion of the use of Catalan at Pompeu Fabra University establishes that members of the university community who consider their language rights to be affected by an internal action or omission may communicate this in accordance with the established procedures

According to the procedures and the regulations set out at UPF and in the Plan to strengthen the Catalan language mentioned above, students have the right to use both Catalan and Spanish and English, both orally and in writing, in all academic activities, except for those that, in accordance with the corresponding teaching plan and the instructions of the Faculty, have a specific linguistic profile, that is, require the student to use orally or in writing a specifici language, be it Catlaan, Spanish or another language. In the case of non-linguistically profiled subjects, students can also express themselves in English, although in this latter case the student must inform the teacher in advance at the beginning of the course, so that if they don't not have sufficient knowledge of English have time enough to arbitrate the relevant measures.



Ensuring that the language or languages of instruction advertised in course plans are adhered to is the responsibility of everyone. Responsibilities are specified as follows:

Deans and directors (undergraduate courses) and department heads (master’s degrees)

  • Ensure that the language of instruction is established for all subjects and groups prior to the start of classes.
  • Inform lecturers of the language or languages of instruction for the groups they teach.
  • Resolve any incidents regarding languages of instruction as established in the course plans.
  • Notify the Academic Management Service at the end of each term of all incidents that have arisen with regard to the language of instruction.


  • Know which is the language or languages of instruction established for the subjects they teach.
  • Teach subjects in the established language or languages of instruction.
  • Inform the dean or director of any incidents concerning language of instruction incurred with the groups they teach.


  • Prior to the start of classes, know which is the language or languages of instruction of the subjects they take.
  • Notify the dean (for undergraduate subjects) or the department director (for master's degree subjects) in writing of any change of language of instruction vis-à-vis the language or languages advertised for the teaching group.

Incident monitoring

The annual report on language policy includes the monitoring, each term, of any incidents arising in relation to languages of instruction. Periodically, the office of the vice-rector for language policy will assess any incidents detected and make proposals for improvement at the centres.


Institutional regulatory framework


Catalan interuniversity framework

Language policy of centres


Committees, networks and associations

UPF participates in the following institutional committees, networks and associations in language policy matters: