Catalan Certifying exam: CIFALC

The CIFALC exams accredit knowledge of Catalan and are awarded by the Catalan Interuniversity Commission for Language Training and Accreditation (CIFALC). These certificates are approved by the Generalitat de Catalunya and are equivalent to the certificates issued by the General Directorate of Language Policy.

The levels offered are: initial level certificate (A1 MECR); Basic level certificate (A2 MECR); elementary level certificate (B1 MECR); intermediate level certificate (B2 MECR); certificate of level of sufficiency and of sufficiency for PDI (C1 MECR) and certificate of superior level (C2 MECR).

Candidates must demonstrate that they can develop the skills required in the 4 sections of the exam: reading comprehension and written expression, listening comprehension and written expression, grammar and vocabulary and written comprehension and oral expression.

As a UPF teacher or researcher you may be interested in obtaining a C1 or a C2 CIFALC certificate. If you wish to take the exam without taking a training course the fee for the exam is €120. If you wish to take a preparation course, the fee for the exam is €50.


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