Choose int phase you are and we will show you the resources of the UPF that will help you in this phase of your search. 

  1. Calls
  2. Application
  3. Implementation
  4. Justification
  5. Dissemination
  6. Evaluation

Animal facilities

Behavioral Experimental Sciences Laboratory (BESLab)

Borrowing documents between Catalan universities (PUC)

Borrowing documents from UPF

Code of Good Scientific Practice

Code repositories

Contracting scientific services

Detection and prevention of plagiarism in research documents (Turnitin)

Digital copies of articles from UPF’s collection

Digital library: consult for everything that the Library offers

Document identifiers

Equipment and software purchases

Genetically modified organisms and culture rooms

Human resources

Industrial and intellectual property of research results

Intellectual property of research publishing

Interlibrary loan: materials from around the world

Internal Committee for Ethical Review of Projects (CIREP)

Managing a journal’s publishing process

Microdata programmes


Monitoring grants: IRIS

Network drive

Planning and dissemination of research data

Processing of personal data in research projects

Purchases of scientific equipment and consumables for the laboratory

Radioactive facilities

Reference managers

Requesting materials not held by the UPF Library

Responsible research and innovation (RRI)

Risk prevention and work safety

Scientific-technical services (Mar Campus)

Subject guides


Technological advice

Training in digital competence


Web Services