Afternoons. Some third- and fourth-year optional subjects may be offered in the morning. Students who meet the established requisites may apply to follow the programme on a part-time basis.
Academic year
From September to June
240 ECTS credits
Basic subjects: 60 (16 of which correspond to a study period abroad); compulsory subjects: 112; optional subjects: 60; bachelor's degree final project: 8
English (compulsory) and French, German or Catalan Sign Language. Recommended level at start of programme: at least B1 in English and A1+ in French, German or Catalan Sign Language.
The bachelor's degree in Applied Languages is aimed at students with a passion for languages and communication between people and organisations in an increasingly globalised world. It is especially suitable for those interested in learning about the human capacity of speech, language as a system of communication and the relationships between language and discourse, culture, society and technology.
The bachelor's degree in Applied Languages trains expert linguists in the professional skills required by institutions and companies from a variety of fields: press offices, communication departments, text editing, cultural mediation, language teaching and support in the development of software applications, among many others. Linguistics is a professional area with a growing demand in the job market: roughly 70% of our students find their first job in fewer than three months after completing their studies (2017 data from the Catalan university system’s data portal. EUC).
This programme also enables students to attain a high level of Catalan and Spanish, as well as two other languages, which is a necessary skill for professional activities (writing, correcting, editing, translation, oral expression, cultural mediation, etc.) and for the creation and use of linguistic resources (language data collection, dictionary production, terminology management, software applications, etc.).
Applied languages and me at Pompeu because…
I will understand fundamental questions such as: what is language, what is a language, how language can change according to use and how [*language] relates to culture, society or psychology.
I will master the grammar, the lexicon, and oral and written expression in Catalan and in Spanish.
I will be able to reach the highest levels of knowledge of English and another language - French, German or Catalan sign language - with compulsory stays abroad at prestigious foreign universities.
I will be able to learn about the scientific fundamentals of language teaching or the development of computer applications that understand human language.
I will get to know about case study methods, in practical terms, the different relationships of language in general and specific languages in particular with education, business, technology and society.
I will learn to solve professional practice problems in the fields of language teaching, writing and editing texts, linguisticmanagement and consultancy, or of technological applications, amongst others.
The data indicates that within a year I will have found a satisfactory job.
The bachelor's degree in Applied Languages aims to give linguistics and language professionals the competences needed to meet the demands of companies and institutions whose activity requires experts in the different language applications. Hence, the programme has two components: firstly, it is aimed at the development of communication skills and mastery of languages; secondly, it seeks to provide knowledge of the human capacity for language and the relationships that exist between language, discourse, culture, society and technology, with the ultimate aim of applying this knowledge to solving problems in a diverse range of professional settings. This, therefore, is a degree which combines a theoretical perspective with an applied and vocational approach.
The competences that are acquired are:
An excellent command of students’ own language(s) both in terms of writing and speaking
A receptive and productive command of at least two foreign languages, in terms of both writing and speaking
A knowledge of the cultures of the foreign working languages
An ability to describe and analyse the structure, meaning and use of the working languages
An ability to identify language needs in business and institutional environments, and apply this knowledge accordingly
An ability to identify language needs in society and apply this knowledge accordingly
An ability to identify language needs in the area of education and first and second-language learning, and apply this knowledge accordingly
The ability to analyse acts of communication (in all their complexity and with the necessary detail)
The use of data collection and analysis in the area of linguistics
The use of software tools applied to natural language processing
The ability to search for and manage information and documentation to resolve language problems
Rigor when it comes to revision and quality control in language mediation
The ability to reflect on cultural diversity and multilingualism
The ability to design and manage language projects
The curricular work placements are an optional subject of between 10 and 20 credits. There are also extracurricular, paid work placements of up to 800 hours per year.
For the curricular work placements, there are agreements with, among others:
Institut d’Estudis Catalans
The Catalan Government’s Department of Education
The Official Language School of Cornellà de Llobregat
There is a compulsory placement in the third year, in the framework of the student exchange agreements of the Erasmus network and other agreements undersigned by UPF. You can apply for a grant to fund this placement during the second year.
The bachelor's degree in Applied Languages is characterised by:
The use of active learning methods: learning based on case studies, practical seminars for all subjects, collaborative work, etc.
The importance given to learning practical skills and the emphasis on creativity.
The learning of two languages (Catalan and Spanish) to a high level of proficiency and two other languages (English and French, German on Catalan Sign Language), as well as the chance to learn the basics of a third language.
Tutorised teaching: each student has a tutor throughout the degree.
Training in the use of advanced software tools.
A teaching team recognised internationally for its research and teaching quality.
An extensive offer of curricular and extracurricular placements in companies and institutions.
Cal superar el 50% dels crèdits d’assignatures de formació bàsica i obligatòries de 1r curs
Progressió en els estudis: crèdits a superar
Accés a 2n curs
Cal superar el 50% dels crèdits d’assignatures de formació bàsica i obligatòries de 1r curs
30 crèdits
31 crèdits
38 crèdits
Accés a 3r curs
Cal superar el 90% de 1r curs i el 50% dels crèdits d’assignatures de formació bàsica i obligatòries de 2n curs
54 crèdits de 1r curs
55 crèdits de 1r curs
115 crèdits de 1r curs
30 crèdits de 2n curs
30 crèdits de 2n curs
35 crèdits de 2n curs
Accés a 4t curs
Cal superar tot el 1r curs , el 90% de 2n curs i el 50% dels crèdits d’assignatures de formació bàsica i obligatòries de 3r curs
54 crèdits de 2n curs
54 crèdits de 2n curs
90 crèdits de 2n curs
30 crèdits de 3r curs
30 crèdits de 3r curs
30 crèdits de 3r curs
Accés a 5è curs
Cal superar tot el 1r i 2n curs , el 90% de 3r curs i el 50% dels crèdits d’assignatures de formació bàsica i obligatòries de 4t curs
76 crèdits de 3r curs
36 crèdits de 4t curs
Els alumnes que demanin la permanència i que tinguin una resolució favorable posterior a la data de matrícula, han de contactar amb la Secretaria per formalitzar-la.