
4 academic years


The approximate prices:

1.202,32€ (Price 2024-25) for EU students citizens.
6.800,32 (Price 2024-25) for non EU citizens or non residents

Price credit for EU students citizens (2024-25): 17,69€
All types


70 → 40 Students from European Union educational systems + 30 Students from educational systems of states not members of the European Union which have not signed international agreements. 

Branch of knowledge

Social and Legal Sciences


This is a full-time study programme due to the high volume of practical work involved. In the first and second year are scheduled in the morning whereas in the third year lectures are scheduled in the morning or in the afternoon depending on the subjects.

Academic year

From September to June


240 ECTS


The language of instruction during the first two years will be in English. The optional subjects in the third and fourth year can be taken in English, Spanish, or Catalan, according to the courses offered by the faculties involved. It is advisable to have a B2 level of English at the beginning of the studies.

Language training includes three compulsory subjects in one foreign language, with a choice between Chinese, Arabic, Russian, French, or Spanish (only for international students) and taking a maximum of 18 credits.



Faculty and Department Humanities