ES evaluación del aprovechamiento / CAT avaluació de l'aprofitament / FR évaluation du savoir (ou du niveau) / DE Leistungmessung

Achievement assessment (CEFR 2001 and 2018) involves evaluating the degree to which the specific aims of a course, area or stage have been achived, that is, it is a judgment of what has been taught. Therefore, it is related to weekly or term work, the textbook used, or the program followed, and hence closely tied to summative assessment.

Unlike performance assessment, it adopts an inner perspective of assessment, which is inserted in the teaching-learning context. Thus, the criteria for assessment are situated; they are dependent on the didactic situation.


  • Consejo de Europa (2001). Marco común europeo de referencia para el aprendizaje, la enseñanza y la evaluación de lenguas. Madrid: Instituto Cervantes-Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte- Editorial/Anaya. Disponible en
  • Consejo de Europa (2018). Common European framework of reference for languages: learning, teaching, assessment. Companion volume with new descriptors. Estrasburgo: Council of Europe Publishing. Disponible en