This call is currently in the phase of

  1. Application
  2. Evaluation
  3. Resolution
  4. Execution
  5. Justification



July 11, 2023 Resolution PlaCLIk Grants 2023-2024
July 10, 2023 Minutes of the evaluation session of the projects presented to the Plan for Aid to Quality and Innovation in Learning and Knowledge, PlaCLIK 2023-2024.
May 30, 2023 Appointment of the members of the PlaCLIK 2023-2024 Evaluation Committee. Resolution.
June 9, 2023 List of admitted and excluded projects. If you need to attach documentation, you can send it to [email protected] within 10 working days.
June 22, 2023 Definitive list of admitted and excluded projects.

Subject projects

  • All projects that incorporate educational transformations in one or more aspects of the Learning Plan of the subject.
  • Maximum €1,500 per project.

Collective projects

  • Collaborative projects, encompassing two or more subjects with more than one teacher.
  • They can be cross-cutting or inter-university in nature.
  • Maximum €6,000 per project.


In the event that the amount requested in the application is greater than the maximum amount of the type under which the initiative operates, the envisaged co-funding must be included in the project statement.



 PlaCLIK grants are not compatible with the awarding of other UPF or external grants that have the same purpose and recipient(s). Only in the case of interuniversity PlaCLIK projects will it be possible to opt for grants from the other participating university or universities to complete project funding.

 PlaCLIK grants are compatible with prizes that promote educational quality and innovation.



For legal purposes, the project manager is considered as the beneficiary of the grant.


 To have teaching assigned at UPF during the academic year of the call.

 In the case of non-permanent faculty, in addition to the above condition, the eligible expenses of the project must be processed during the period in which their relationship with UPF is in force.

UPF teaching and research staff may not participate in more than two projects.

Stakeholders involved:

 The stakeholders involved must meet the condition of having teaching assigned at UPF during the academic year of the call.

 The participation of PDI not linked to UPF, students, alumni, UPF PAS and the collaboration of external organizations may be envisaged.

Publication of the rules:

  • 28 April 2022

Publication of the call:

  • 2 May 2023

Project submission period:

  • From 1 to 31 May 2023. Extended to June,4!

Publication of the decision governing the call:

  • Within a maximum of three months of publication of the call

Delivery of the grant acceptance document:

  • Within a maximum of 10 days of the date of informing of the awarding of the grant

Project execution end date:

  • 31 August 2024

Processing of the academic and economic justification of the completed projects:

  • Up until 31 October 2024

Eligible expenses:

  • External technical and professional services that collaborate in the multidisciplinary work of the project, contracted in accordance with Law 9/2017, of November 8, on public sector contracts
  • Expendable material and specific, non-inventorable material, essential to develop the project
  • Editing costs of produced materials
  • Registration, travel, maintenance and accommodation expenses, if applicable, to present a communication or a presentation related to the project at a conference or conference
  • Coordination expenses (travel, maintenance and accommodation), in the case of inter-university projects
  • Other expenses, justified and related to the project, previously authorized by CLIK

Expenses that CANNOT be made with a PlaCLIK:

  • Pay minutes to UPF staff
  • Hire UPF staff (even if it is FPU, FPI or associate professors, etc.). Hiring is done by invoice and with personnel who are not linked to the UPF at that time
  • Buy inventoriable material (with the exception of expenses previously authorized by CLIK)