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Learn about educational innovation with a social perspective at the UPF

Social innovation in teaching is developed from different aspects: teacher training, teaching innovation with a social perspective and social transfer to the environment.



The UPF promotes from the CLIK social educational innovation through the design, development and evaluation of pedagogical initiatives aimed at integrating equality and the social commitment to teaching and the curricula of the UPF.

Teacher training

The CLIK and the Equality Unit organized and distributed the Sexual Violence at the University: Recognize, Accompany and Rethink Response Strategies, aimed at teachers and management personnel. The integration of the gender perspective has also been enhanced to the initial training in university teaching with specific sessions.

Educational Innovation with a social perspective

Good teaching practices in terms of social commitment and equality have been present this year both inside and outside of the UPF, such as the Methodology Learning ApS Service through advertising campaigns in third sector entities, with the participation of students of Audiovisual Communication (UPF). 

Social transfer to the enviroment

In this regard, highlight the calls for external aid to support innovation and the improvement of teaching quality:

  • Implementation and development of the "Guiatge" (Ajuntament de Barcelona),together with the entity Asociación Educativa Integral del Raval (AEIRaval). 
  • Phase 2. Social Mentoring of the "Horitzons" project (Department of Social Affairs), collaborating with the Fundació Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Fundació UPF).
  • Obtain the quality seal of the Pedagogical Innovation Council for the offer to the environment, especially for social activities (Barcelona City Council).




SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
