5. From campus

"Well-kept Secrets"


Title (and catalogue access):
L'irradiador del port, i les gavines

Author: Joan Salvat-Papasseit
Year and date of publication and publisher: 1921, Barcelona, Atenes A.G.
Medium and language: paper book, in Catalan
Method of acquisition: donation by Josep Fontana i Lázaro
What makes it unique: It is the original edition of the second poetry book by Joan Salvat-Papasseit, containing a few calligrams and an autographed dedication by the author, on the first blank page, dated 25 May 1923.
Contents: It includes a total of 25 poems written between 1919 and 1921, in which the poet blends poetic proposals that emerged as a result of the rise of the European avant-garde with other more traditional elements.
Presence in special collections: Jaume Vicens Vives University Institute of History Library

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Title (and catalogue access):
Manuel du gradé d'artillerie lourde hippomobile et automobile : matériels de 105 long modèle 1913, 155 longs, 145-155, 155 G. P. F., 220 court, 220 long, à l'usage des sous-officiers, brigadiers-chefs, brigadiers, élèves brigadiers, élèves officiers et candidats elèves [sic] officiers
Year and date of publication and publisher: 1937, París, Charles Lavauzelle & Cie (4th edition)
Medium and language: paper book, in French
Method of acquisition: donation from the José Milicua – Spanish Civil War Collection
What makes it unique: It is a sort of technical manual experienced on the war front. The owner’s name and a place on the Aragonese front during the Spanish Civil War are written on the cover: ‘Us de Julià Raluy, Siétamo, 2-5-37’.
Contents: It is an artillery book in French, a sort of academic manual for practical application, first published in the 1920s and expanded in successive editions. 

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Title (and catalogue access): Testament politique de l'empereur Joseph second : roi de romains

Author: Josep II
Year and place of publication: 1791, Viena
Medium and language: paper book, in French​​​​​​​
Method of acquisition: donation by Josep Fontana i Lázaro​​​​​​​
What makes it unique: The handwritten annotation of a former owner: he read the book whilst a prisoner at the Citadel of Barcelona: ‘De mi calabozo en la Ciutadela, yo lo mandé a mi amigo don Manuel Bertran que estaba también en otro calabozo por medio de su digna muger dona Antonia y esto por entre las barras de hierro’ [From my dungeon in the Citadel, I sent it to my friend Manuel Bertran, who was also in another dungeon, by means of his honourable wife Antonia and this through the iron bars’].​​​​​​​
Contents: A work containing the political testament of the Romano-Germanic Emperor Joseph II (1740-1789), one of the most prominent sovereigns of enlightened despotism. It was widely censored. ​​​​​​​
Presence in bibliographic exhibitions and special collections: Exclòs de préstec and Jaume Vicens Vives University Institute of History Library

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