Authoring tool and mobile app designed and built to support assessment in situ activities based on tests
QuesTInSitu is an authoring tool and mobile app designed and built to support assessment in situ activities based on tests. Users can create geolocated questions and tests (routes) in a webmap (from Google Maps). The questions follow the educational technology standard for assessment IMS Question & Test Interoperability (QTI). QuesTInSitu also is a mobile app with a player of questions where users can answer the geolocated questions and they are automatically corrected. Using the application an author can create two types of assessment in situ activities: assessment in real & virtual situ. The mobile version allows students to follow the assessment in real situactivities, answering the questions, receiving feedback and score insitu and personalizing the questions with their own pictures and comments.
Original Idea: Patricia Santos, Mar Pérez-Sanagustín, Davinia Hernández-Leo
Main developer: David Pérez Calle
Santos, P., Hernández-Leo, D., Pérez-Sanagustín, M., & Blat, J. (2012). Modeling the Computing Based Testing domain extending IMS QTI: Framework, models and exemplary implementations. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(5), 1648-1662. JCR2016 Q1, JCR2012 Q1
Use Cases:
Questinsitu: a literature adventure with Older lifelong learners
Jardí Botànic de Barcelona in situ, activity done with 65 students of the UPF Biomedicine Degree – Botany
Discovering Girona through mobile learning (Start 2′ 30”) (Start 16′ 55”)
Discovering Barcelona with Questinsitu
- Santos, P., Hernández-Leo, D., & Blat, J. (2014). To be or not to be in situ outdoors, and other implications for design and implementation, in geolocated mobile learning. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 14, 17-30.
- Santos, P., Balestrini, M., Righi, V., Blat, J., & Hernández-Leo, D. (2013). Not interested in ICT? A case study to explore how a meaningful m-learning activity fosters engagement among older users. In European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (pp. 328-342). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Pérez-Sanagustín M., Santos P., Hernández-Leo D., Blat J. (2012) 4SPPIces: A case study of factors in a scripted collaborative-learning blended course across spatial locations. International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, pp. 1-23
- Santos, P., Pérez-Sanagustín, M., Hernández-Leo, D. &Blat, J. (2011). QuesTInSitu: From tests to routes for assessment in situ activities. Computers & Education, 57 (4), 2517-2534