Empowering girls with technology

Empowering girls with technology

Over 1.000 participants in our previous courses! For other actions for boys and girls check the overall social action program.

We can let you know when we launch a new action for Girls & Tech, just leave your e-mail here


?Fotos de la 1era sesión introductoria de App Inventor que organizamos en @DTIC_UPF con @frambla ? pic.twitter.com/I3o9SkLFUR

— TechnovationCat (@TechnovationCat) February 20, 2019

6-Marzo: Nueva sesión introductoria de App Inventor para las @TechnovationCat que organizamos en @DTIC_UPF con @frambla ? pic.twitter.com/ShRndzuGyf

— ciberespiral (@ciberespiral) February 28, 2019

?AVUI la @UPFBarcelona (@DTIC_UPF ) i l'equip de #TechnovationCAT ofereixen el Taller APP Inventor ?Nivell2 a les ⏰17.30 h.
Tindrem en compte la llista d'espera per organitzar nous tallers. https://t.co/SZ3vbXBL77#Girls4Change @technovation @ciberespiral @frambla pic.twitter.com/NP1sRleViR

— TechnovationCat (@TechnovationCat) 26 de marzo de 2019


  • GirlsTech Summer Camp (Barcelona on Digital Fabrication and Girona on Interactive Narratives, July 2017, by USA Consulate General Barcelona)


  • Oracle4Girls event (June 10th 2017, with parallel event in Madrid by MujeresTech. 100 girls between 7-16 years old working on robotics, 3D printing and videogame design)



     (At min 24:53 in TV3 news you can learn about this summer course)


With the financial support of Google, Institut Català de les Dones, Accenture, Eurecat, and the collaboration of a wide range of entities (such as Edukative, BCN Civic Lab, Mujerestech, and a long etc) and over 120 volunteers. Check our blog post on the topic for details.