15-04-2024 Seminari a càrrec de Marco Luchetti
Us convidem al proper seminari del grup InfoLex, a càrrec de Marco Luchetti (University of Macerata-Italy), que tindrà lloc el proper 15 d'abril en format presencial
Títol: "Navigating Beyond Boundaries: Managing Inclusion as a Translation Process at Macerata Opera Festival", a càrrec de Marco Luchetti (University of Macerata-Italy)
Dia: 15 d'abril del 2024
Hora: 12.00 hores
Aula: 52.217
Resum: In contemporary cultural institutions, the role of the manager extends beyond mere administration to encompass navigation through unconventional targets and evolving challenges: nowadays, inclusion stands as a paramount challenge. The seminar will explore the case of the Macerata Opera Festival, illustrating how over the past 15 years, accessibility services have evolved to facilitate the theater's journey towards broader inclusivity, settings as catalysts for societal inclusion and progress.
Ponent: Marco Luchetti is a Ph.D. student at the University of Macerata, specializing in Accessibility Studies. He is Academic Fellow and Junior Researcher at the Arts and Culture Knowledge Center of SDA Bocconi. In addition to his academic pursuits, he works as a consultant for various esteemed cultural institutions and opera theatres in Italy.
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