Back Lorenzo Gabrielli coordinated the research team and the national reports of the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization's SURE Project.

Lorenzo Gabrielli coordinated the research team and the national reports of the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization's SURE Project.



Lorenzo Gabrielli has coordinated the research team producing the new research report of the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization "Favoriser la réintégration sociale et professionnelle des migrants de retour Nord-Africains. Une comparaision des cas du Maroc et de la Tunisie", as well as the national reports on the two cases, as part of the ITC-ILO SURE project (Supporting the Social and Professional reintegration of North African Return). The study was conducted between September and December 2018, with the aim of analysing how Morocco and Tunisia address the social and professional reintegration of returning nationals after a migrating abroad.

The study aims to examine existing data at national level, and to undertake a comparative analysis of the target countries’ strategies for return and reintegration policies of migrant nationals. Empirical research was conducted through two field missions in Morocco (end of October 2018) and Tunisia (early November 2018). Field investigators conducted extensive semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders (institutional actors, non-state actors and independent experts) in both target countries. Finally, a set of ad hoc recommendations was formulated to support the strengthening of existing initiatives and the establishment of stronger reintegration programs for returnees in both countries.

The national reports and the comparative regional report of this study are available in French on the ITC-ILO website.



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