Back We welcome our new visiting researcher Anna Facchetti!

We welcome our new visiting researcher Anna Facchetti!




Anna Facchetti is a PhD candidate in Sociology, Organizations, and Culture at Cattolica University in Milan. Since 2022, she has also been collaborating as a junior researcher with the ISMU ETS Foundation in Milan. She contributed to the EU-funded project GRASE — Gender and Race Stereotypes Eradication in labour market access—and the Near project, designed for Newly Arrived in a Common Home, as well as in national FAMI and international CERV and AMIF grant proposals. Her PhD thesis examines the role of social entrepreneurship and cooperatives at regional and national levels in Italy in facilitating migrant integration. Her fields of analysis include integration in migratory processes, the valorization of manufacturing work as a means to promote it, and sustainability in its broader framework (cultural, social, economic, and environmental). She conducts her PhD research using qualitative research instruments, including semi-structured interviews complemented with participatory observation.


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