Back Gabrielli, Lorenzo


Departament de Ciències Polítiques i Socials - Personal de Suport a la Recerca
Senior Researcher

Lorenzo Gabrielli, Ph.D. (with honors) in Political Science from LAM­Science Po Bordeaux, France, is a Senior Researcher at GRITIM-UPF and a Joint Professor at the Political Science department of UPF. He is also Associate Researcher at Centre Emile Durkheim, Sciences Po Bordeaux.

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9651-2470

He is currently working as a researcher in two projects: the project “AGREP: Action program for effective reporting of anti-gypsyism and discrimination” (2020-2022). Co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreement number 881875; and the project “Connecting young defenders in the Mediterranean: understanding, networking and transforming”, Funded by the ACCD (Agencia Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament) (JUST/2015/RDIS/AG/DISC/9372).

He is also member of the research project “EUMedMi: Mapping European Mediterranean Migration Studies” (September 2019 - August 2022). Funded by the Erasmus + Jean Monnet Network Program. Ref: 611260-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPJMO-NETWORK, and of the IMISCOE Euro-Mediterranean Research Network on Migration “EuroMedMig-ReNet”.

Dr. Gabrielli has been a member of several European research projects including: “Our house, your house? Conditions and paths of access to housing for asylum seekers and refugees in Catalonia” (2018-2020), funded by “la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434), under agreement 2017ACUP00030, “Roma Inclusion in Education: Fostering Constructive Attitudes and Good Practices in the Barcelona Area” (2017-2018) [JUST/2015/RDIS/AG/DISC/9372]; “DiasporaLink-Transnational Diaspora Entrepreneurship as a Develoment Link between Home and Residence Countries” () [H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014]; “INTERACT - Researching third country nationals’ integration as a three-way process. Immigrants, countries of emigration and countries of immigration as actors of integration” (2012-2014) [HOME/2011/EIFX/CA/1997]; MEDIMURS (2011-2014); "MIPMUE - International Migration and Mediterranean Politics" (2011-2012);  "GARNET Network of Excellence on Global Governance, Regionalisation and Regulation: the Role of the EU" (2005 to 2009) [EU FP6-2002-Citizens 3 of the European Commission]; Intercentre « Délibération et gouvernance dans la formation et la transformation des espaces publics: comparaisons internationals» (2006-2009).

He has also been a Visiting Researcher at the United Nations University – Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility (UNU-GCM) and a senior research fellow at the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed).

Dr. Gabrielli is also a reviewer for several social sciences editors and journals: i.e. Routledge Series: Studies in African Politics and International Relations; Études Internationales (Canada); Culture & Conflits, Sociologie politique de l’international (France); Politique Européenne (France); Migraciones Internacionales (Mexico); Estudios Politicos (Colombia); Euromesco Paper Series (Europe); Relaciones Internacionales (Spain); Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals (Spain): Journal of Conflictology (Spain).

Aside from GRITIM, Dr. Gabrielli has been a researcher for projects commissioned by ITC-ILO (International Training Center - International Labour Organisation) and FIERI (2018), Oxfam Intermón (2017); for EUNOMAD - European Network on Migration and Development (funded by European Commission - DCI-NSA/2010/243-839 (2011-2013), and for the Fundació Jaume Bofill, Barcelona (2008-2009). He has also been an expert and a scientific commissioner for an interactive exhibition module on forced migrations and refugees (permanent exhibition) for MHiC – Museu d’historia de la immigració de Catalunya (Museum of immigration history of Catalonia) in 2016.

Dr. Gabrielli was granted a Marie Curie Fellowship for doctoral research of the European Commission at Deusto University of Bilbao - European Doctorate Program of "Migration, Territory and Conflict" (2003-2004), and a Fellowship by Bofill Foundation (Barcelona) for PhD researches on interactions between West-African migration flows and immigration policies in the case of Catalunya (2006 -2007).




Immigration policy and international relations; External dimension of European immigration policies; Migration issues in Euro-African relations; "Migration - Development" nexus; Multilevel governance of migration flows; Securitisation of immigration issue in Europe; Spanish immigration and border policy Europeanization process of immigration policy; Integration policies; Immigration, diversity and education.; External dimension of European immigration policies; Migration issue in Euro-African relations; "Migration - Development" nexus; Multilevel governance of migration flows; Securitisation of immigration issue in Europe; Spanish immigration and border policy Europeanization process of immigration policy; Integration policies; Immigration, diversity and education.


Geopolitics of human mobility in the Mediterranean and in the Euro-African Space; Migration and Euro-African border; Migration and transit migration in the West Mediterranean area; Bordering and rebordering of the Spanish Border; Ceuta and Melilla; Regionalism and Regionalisation dynamics in migration management; internal bordering and racism/discrimination issues; antigypsyism.


Migratory systems between Europe and Africa, in the Euro-Mediterranean space and inside the African continent; Transnational political participation of migrants; African migration dynamics to Europe; migratory networks and transnational spaces in West African migration; Socialization process of migrants' children in host countries.



Gabrielli L., Garcés-Mascareñas, B. and O. Ribera-Almandoz, 2021, “Between discipline and neglect: The regulation of asylum accommodation in Spain”. Journal of Refugee Studies,

Hellgren, Z. and Gabrielli, L. 2021, “Racialization and Aporophobia: Intersecting Discriminations in the Experiences of Non-Western Migrants and Spanish Roma”, Social Sciences, 10(5), 163,

Gabrielli, L., 2021, "El espectáculo fronterizo en las representaciones fotográficas contemporáneas de la frontera de Melilla. Un sesgo de género" [The border spectacle in contemporary photographic representations of the Melilla border. A gender bias] in A. Varela Huertas and M. Binimelis Adell (eds.) ‘Espectáculo de frontera’ y contranarrativas audiovisuales'. Peter Lang (forthcoming).

Gabrielli, L., 2021, “Pandemia e sconvolgimento dei sistemi migratori: il caso del corridoio Marocco-Spagna” [The pandemic and disruption of migratory systems: the case of the Morocco-Spain corridor].  Mondi Migranti, 2021, pp 123-141, DOI: 10.3280/MM2021-001007.

Serón, G. and Gabrielli, L. 2021, “Spain's migration policy towards Africa: change of government and change of policy?”, in Aimé González, E. and Domínguez de Olazábal, I. (eds.), Africa Report 2021, Madrid: Fundación Alternativas (forthcoming).

Serón, G. and Gabrielli, L. 2021, “Política migratoria española hacia África: ¿cambio de Gobierno y cambio de política?”, in Aimé González, E. and Domínguez de Olazábal, I. (eds.), Informe África 2021: Desafíos conjuntos para África y Europa bajo la pandemia, Madrid: Fundación Alternativas, ISBN: 978-84-18677-12-0.

Hellgren, Z. and L. Gabrielli, 2021, "The Dual Expectations Gap. Divergent Perspectives on the Educational Aspirations of Spanish Roma Families". Journal of Intercultural Studies, 42:2, 217-234, DOI: 10.1080/07256868.2021.1883569

Gabrielli,L. 2021, “Prologo” [prologue] to Staid A. “Los condenados de la metrópolis. Etnografía de los migrantes en los márgenes de la legalidad” Barcelona: Bellaterra Edicions.

GRITIM (various authors), 2020, “COVID-19’s Impact on Migration and Migration Studies. Exploring Directions for a New Migration Research Agendava”, GRITIM Policy Series 9, May 2020.

Gabrielli L. (ed.), 2019, "Favoriser la réintégration sociale et professionnelle des migrants de retour nord-africains. Une comparaison des cas du Maroc et de la Tunisie", International Training Center – International Labour Organisation (ITC-ILO), Research report,

Scott, J., Brambilla, C., Celata, F., Coletti R., Bürkner H.-J., Ferrer-Gallardo, X. and Gabrielli, L.,  2018, “Between Crises and Borders: Interventions on Mediterranean Neighbourhood and the Salience of Spatial Imaginaries.Political Geography, vol. 63, March, pp. 174-184. doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2017.07.008.

Serón, G. and Gabrielli, L. 2019, “Africa and EU migratory policy - the current situation and challenges”, in Aimé González, E. and Domínguez de Olazábal, I. (eds.), Africa Report. Cross-Border dynamics in a globalised context, Madrid: Fundación Alternativas, pp, 85-98, ISBN: 978-84-120248-1-4. [Versión en castellano]

Serón, G. and Gabrielli, L. 2019, "África en la política migratoria de la Unión Europea: actualidad y desafíos.” In Aimé González, E. and Domínguez de Olazábal, I. (eds.), Informe África 2019: Dinámicas transfronterizas en un contexto globalizado. Madrid: Fundación Alternativas. pp, 85-98,

Ferrer-Gallardo, X. and Gabrielli, L. (eds.) 2018, Estados de excepción en la excepción del Estado. Ceuta y Melilla. Barcelona: Icaria, Más Madera.

Hellgren, Z. and Gabrielli L. 2018, Final project report “Roma inclusion in education: Fostering constructive attitudes and good practices in the Barcelona area” (VAKERIPEN)”,

Hellgren, Z. and Gabrielli L. 2018, “Promoting Realistic Expectations: Roma Inclusion in the Catalan Education System”, GRITIM-UPF Policy Series 8,

Gabrielli,  L.  and Franco-Guillén, N.  2018, “Transnational Diaspora Entrepreneurship: The Case of Moroccans in Catalonia”, GRITIM-UPF Policy Series n. 7,

Zapata-Barrero, R., and Gabrielli, L. 2017, and “Ethics and the Securitization of Migration: reversing the current policy framework”, in Bourbeau Ph. (ed), Handbook on Migration and Security, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Press, pp. 125–143.

Gabrielli, L. 2017 “Deconstructing Migration and Refugee “Crises” in the Mediterranean. The need for a broader temporal and geographical view for a policy reorientation in Europe”, IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2017, pp. 300-303.

Gabrielli, L. 2017, "La externalización europea del control migratorio: ¿La acción española como modelo?", in J. Arango, R. Mahía, D. Moya and E. Sánchez-Montijano (eds.), Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración 2017 «La inmigración en el ojo del huracán», Barcelona: CIDOB.

Gabrielli, L., and Aragall, X. 2017, “Perceptions of the Migration and Refugee Situation in the Mediterranean”, IEMed Euromed Survey 2017, pp. 70-78.

Gabrielli, L., Gsir, S. and Zapata-Barrero, R. 2017, “Political and civic participation of immigrants in host countries.  An interpretative framework from the perspective of the origin countries and societies”, in Fargues, Ph., Weinar, A. and Unterreiner, A. (eds), Migrant Integration Between Homeland and Host Society Volume 1: Where does the country of origin fit?, Cham: Springer, pp. 87–116.

Gabrielli, L. 2017, “Historical vs. geographical proximity. The integration of Ecuadorian and Moroccan migrants in Spain”, in Di Bartolomeo, A., Kalantarian, S., and Salamonska, J. (eds), Migrant Integration between Homeland and Host Society Volume 2: How countries of origin impact migrant integration outcomes: an analysis, Cham: Springer, pp. 187-209.

Gabrielli, L. 2016, “Multilevel inter-regional governance of mobility between Africa and Europe. Towards a deeper and broader externalisation”, GRITIM Working Paper, Number 30 - Winter 2016,

Gabrielli, L. 2015, “Récurrence de la crise frontalière: l’exception permanente en Espagne”, Cultures & Conflits, 99-100, pp. 75-98.

Gabrielli L., 2014, “Securitization of Migration and Human Rights: Frictions at the Southern EU Borders and Beyond”. Urban People / Lidé mesta, 16 (2), pp. 311-322.,%202014,%202/Gabrielli.pdf

Gabrielli L., 2013, “Fronteras en movimiento. Migraciones hacia la Unión Europea en el contexto mediterráneo”, Revista Española de Ciencias Políticas, 32 (2), pp. 235-238.

Gabrielli, L. (ed.) 2013, « Rapporto Eunomad 2012. Migrazioni, Sviluppo e Integrazione in Italia », EUNOMAD - European Network on Migration and Development – Italian platform, 41 pp.

Gabrielli,  L. (ed.) 2013, « Eunomad Report 2012. Migration and Development and Integration in Europe » EUNOMAD - European Network on Migration and Development, may 2013, 162 pp. (French and English version).

Gabrielli, L. (ed.) 2012, « Migration, Integration et Développement: état des lieux 2011 / Migration, integration and Development: state of affairs 2011 », EUNOMAD - European Network on Migration and Development, June 2012, 103 pp (French and English version).

Gabrielli, L. 2012, "El codesarrollo y la externalización european del control migratorio hacia África: los riesgos de una relación ambigua", in El codesarrollo a debate, edited by Mourad Aboussi, Comares Editorial, Granada, pp. 47-58.

Gabrielli, L. 2011, "European immigration policies outside the Union: An impact analysis on migration dynamics in North African transit areas" in The challenge of the threshold. Border closures and migration movements in Africa, edited by Jocelyne Streiff-Fénart and Aurélia Segatti, Lexington Books, Lanham MD,  pp. 3-16.

Gabrielli, L. 2010, "La inmigración "informal" en la relaciones entre Europa y África Subsahariana", in Derechos Humanos, inmigrantes en situación irregular y Unión Europea, edited by Ángel G. Chueca Sancho, Lex Nova, Valladolid, 2010, pp. 25-38.

Gabrielli,  L. 2010, « Los procesos de socialización de hijos i hijas de familias senegalesas y gambianas en Cataluña », Fundació Jaume Bofill, Barcelona, 200 pp., March 2010.

Gabrielli, L. 2009, "Développement et migrations dans l'espace euro-africain: L'émergence d'une nouvelle conditionnalité migratoire ? ", Cahier de la Coopération, special issue on Migration and Development, March, CNCD, Bruxelles, pp. 14-16.

Gabrielli, L. 2008, "Migrations et développement dans l'espace euro-africain .La "conditionnalité migratoire" et le risque de détournement de l'aide", Eyes on Europe, Autumn, pp. 52-54.

Gabrielli, L. 2008, "Flux et contre-flux entre l'Espagne et le Sénégal. L'externalisation du contrôle des dynamiques migratoires vers l'Afrique de l'Ouest", Asylon(s), n° 3,  March, special issue "Migrations et Sénégal. Pratiques, discours et politiques" , edited by E. Bouilly et N. Marx (online:

Gabrielli, L. 2007, "Les enjeux de la question migratoire dans les relations de l'Union Européenne avec l'Afrique", Politique européenne, n° 22, Apring, special issue "La sécurité européenne: nouveaux enjeux, nouveaux territoires", edited by S. Lavenex and F. Merand, pp. 149-173.



Master level: Geopolitics of Human Mobility in the Mediterranean, External Dimension of Immigration Policy, Comparative Policies of Immigration, Methodology of Qualitative Research, The Foundations of Immigration Policies, Diversity and Immigration Policies.

Under-graduate level: “Qualitative Research Techniques, part I (research design and techniques) and part II (qualitative analysis)” in Political Science; “Qualitative techniques” in Criminology; “Migrations and Penal System” in Criminology.

Visiting professor: EU-Africa relations (Zaragoza University); Geopolítica de las migraciones en el Mediterraneo (UAB); La cuestión migratoria en las relaciones entre Europa y el norte de África (UAB); The Geopolitics of Migrations across the Mediterranean (Cours d’Ouverture 4° - Sciences Po Bordeaux, Bordeaux); New landscapes in the Euro-African migration systems (IGOT - Universidad de Lisboa); Rebordering the Mediterranean and externalizing immigration control (CESA - Centro de Estudios sobre Africa, Asia y America Latina, Lisboa); Management of Human Mobility in the Mediterranean (Master International “RELMED”, Universidad Rovira i Virgili de Tarragona); West African migration flows to Europe; Immigration issue in relations between Europe and North of Africa (UAB) ; Immigration issue as a contemporary "governmentality" tool (UAB); Social en ethnolinguistic structures in West Africa (UAB-Escola de teràpia Familiar de l’Hospital de la Sta Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona).

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