23/01/2020 Seminari GEDIT, a càrrec de Nozimjon Ataboev

"Analysis of the functional characteristics of the COCA", a càrrec de Nozimjon Ataboev (Uzbek State University of World Languages)


Data: dijous 23 de gener del 2020

Hora: 12.00h

Lloc: aula 52.S27 - edifici 52.Roc Boronat - Campus del Poblenou - UPF


Resum: The presentation conducted will be about the results of the dissertation on the topic of “Functional characteristics of English corpora (in the example of COCA)”. The main problem of the thesis is to analyze the application of English corpora in the linguistic studies. Especially, the use of Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) in the comparative studies of linguo-cultural aspects has been analyzed in the work as it is the only balanced English corpus according to the genre of the texts as well as the years. In terms of these comparative studies, the results are derived from the most well-known corpora, the British National Corpus and the COCA in order to compare the two nations’ conceptions of cultural notions. Moreover, COCA has never been used in lexicography as a dictionary corpus. In the work the possible opportunities and language data provided by the corpus have been studied. Through the above-mentioned analyses the final conclusions are drawn respectively.


Organitza: GEDIT. Grup de Recerca en Estudis dels Discurs i de la Traducció





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