Back Seminari GEDIT 09/04/18: "Metaphorical world view: cross-cultural communication and translation"

Seminari GEDIT 09/04/18: "Metaphorical world view: cross-cultural communication and translation"

Seminari organitzat pel GEDIT (Grup d’Estudis del Discurs i de la Traducció)



Títol: Metaphorical world view: cross-cultural communication and translation a càrrec d'Ekaterina Korman, Universidad Federal del Sur, Rostov del Don, Rusia

Data: dilluns 9 d’abril del 2018

Hora: 15.00 h

Lloc: Aula 52.427 – 4a planta edifici 52. Roc Boronat  - Campus del Poblenou



Analysis of differences in a metaphorical description of reality in Russian, English and Spanish speaking cultures. Examples of animalistic, botanical, somatic, colour and other types of metaphors. We also suggest some techniques for translation of culture-specific and non-equivalent vocabulary

 A. Translation of culture-specific and non-equivalent vocabulary. Metaphors, idioms, phraseological units, culture-specific and non-equivalent vocabulary. Cultural symbols. Conceptual metaphors. Problems of understanding and translation, Background information. Cultural intraducibility. Negotiating of meanings.

 B. Differences in a metaphorical description of reality: Russian, English and Spanish-speaking cultures Animalistic metaphors. Botanical metaphors. Somatic metaphors. Colour metaphors. Other types of metaphors and idioms. Superstitions. 



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