Back Mariona Arnau, member of the research group IULATERM, rewarded with the prize from Societat Catalana de Terminologia (SCATERM) of 2020

Mariona Arnau, member of the research group IULATERM, rewarded with the prize from Societat Catalana de Terminologia (SCATERM) of 2020



Our colleague Mariona Arnau has been awarded with the prize of the Societat Catalana de Terminologia (for students), for the thesis Adaptació del Diccionari casteller del TERMCAT al públic infantil, developed as her Degree’s Final Project on the course 2018-19, under the supervision of professor Judit Feliu, member as well of the research group IULATERM.

The prize has also been given ex aequo to the work La neologia de ciberseguretat en la llengua catalana by Meritxell Morte Sánchez, directed by Dr. Feliu as well, as her Degree’s Final Project on the course 2018-19.

The prize of the Societat Catalana de Terminologia, a biennial event, takes part of the Cartell de Premis Sant Jordi from l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans. You can acess to the complete list of prizes conceded from LXXXIX Cartell de premis i de borses d’estudi Convocatòria dels Premis Sant Jordi 2020 in the following website:




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