Back ​27/06/2019 Seminari InfoLex a càrrec d'Adriana Raya

​27/06/2019 Seminari InfoLex a càrrec d'Adriana Raya



Data: 27 de juny de 2019
Hora: 15:00 h
Lloc: 52.327 - Campus del Poblenou
El pròxim dijous 27 de juny a les 15 h i a l'aula 52.327 dedicarem el seminari del grup a la presentació del pla de recerca d'Adriana Raya, que du per títol A corpus-based study on the translation of youth language in literature.

The aim of this project is to analyse the translation of youth language in narrative fiction. The speech of young people is marked by linguistic features that are challenging to evoke in writing, and more so to translate. Within the framework of fictive orality, this study analyses how the speech of young characters is depicted in the source texts, and which techniques are applied to translate it in the target texts. In order to tackle the topic from a holistic standpoint, I rely on a corpus based on five novels written in English and their translations into Spanish and Catalan. Although the translation of non-standard language in fiction is a topic that has received considerable attention from Descriptive Translation Studies in recent years, the translation of fictive youth language remains widely unexplored, a research gap that this study intends to fill.



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