Certify your level of Catalan with the official CIFALC certificates!

Necessites acreditar el teu nivell de català per a un procés d'oposicions?


What are the CIFALC certifying exams?

They are official certifications, accreditation of the degree of competence and dominance of Catalonia, which is awarded by the Interuniversity Commission for Linguistic Formation and Accreditation of Catalonia (CIFALC). These certificates are approved by the Generalitat de Catalunya and are equivalent to the certificates issued by the General Directorate of Language Policy.

The levels offered are: initial level certificate (A1 MECR); basic level certificate (A2 MECR); elementary level certificate (B1 MECR); intermediate level certificate (B2 MECR); certificate of level of sufficiency and of sufficiency for PDI (C1 MECR) and certificate of superior level (C2 MECR).

The candidates must demonstrate that they can develop the skills in the different linguistic desires to the 5 sections of the exam: grammar and vocabulary, written comprehension, oral comprehension, written expression and oral expression.


Who can take the CIFALC exams?

Anyone (from the UPF community or external) who took a Catalan course at UPF Languages: a trimester course of Catalan language, blended courses or the preparation for the C1 exam or the C2 exam courses.

Likewise, UPF members (students, PDI and PAS from the integrated centers) who have not taken a Catalan course in UPF Languages will also be able to take the CIFALC exams directly.


2022-2023 and 2023-2024 Certifying exams

Prices (2023-2024)

  • Price for participants in a Catalan language course UPF: € 50 (members of the UPF Community) / € 75 (external to UPF)
  • Price for free candidates: € 120 (members of the UPF Community)


Enrolment (2023-2024)

Registration period for July’s call: until July 7 at 9.00 am

To formalize the registration you will have to fill in the registration form. We will then send you an email indicating an IBAN code to pay for the exam.

IMPORTANT! If you are interested in taking the CIFALC level C1, C1 for PDI or C2 level exams free of charge, please contact the Secretariat via email [email protected] before completing the pre-registration.

Idiomes UPF reserves the right to cancel any official examination that does not reach the minimum number of examiners required (3). In this case, the total registration fee would be returned to the official exam.

A few days before the test, we will send you an email with all the information of the exam (indicating the time of the call and exam, classroom).

If you have any doubts, contact us