Do you want to obtain Spanish nationality? He takes the CCSE exam at UPF

CCSE registration

Exam information:

  • Name of the test: Test of constitutional and sociocultural knowledge of Spain (CCSE).
  • Description: 25 test questions with one correct answer. To pass, you must answer 15 of these questions correctly. Exam structure and test preparation.
  • Duration: 45 minutes. Objective: Obtaining Spanish nationality.
  • Calendar: Last Thursday of each month (except August and December). Due to the cancellation of some calls (March and April) due to the Coronavirus pandemic, from May to November, a new call will be offered on the second Thursday of each month. More information.
  • Schedule: There are two test times: at 18.00 and at 20.00. You will select the time at the time of registration.
  • Registration and payment: Registration and payment through the website of the Instituto Cervantes. Payment must be made by credit or debit card.
  • Price: € 85. Results: they will be published in your personal section of the Instituto Cervantes website approximately 20 days after the test.
  • Certificate of qualification: You can print it from your personal section of the Instituto Cervantes website.

When can I take the CCSE at UPF?

How do I know where to go for the exam?

One week before the test date, you will receive an email from [email protected]. In this message we will inform you of the time of the exam and the classroom where it will take place. We will also inform you of the documentation you will need to bring. IMPORTANT: remember to have the original passport in force (necessary documentation to be able to access the test).

Stay tuned for your email!

How can I prepare for the test?

The Cervantes Institute makes available to candidates free of charge various materials for the preparation of the test.

What happens if I fail the exam?

If you fail the CCSE, you have the right to take a second exam before 18 months have passed from the date of the first test, at no additional cost, as long as you take it at the same exam center.

You will be able to register for the second exam once the results of the first have been published.

  • Doubts and general queries related to the exam:

You must contact the Instituto Cervantes by filling out this form.

  • If you have not received the UPF Languages e-mail with the information of the day, time and classroom of the exam:

You can contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone (93 542 19 21).