CAT UPF: Viu la UPF en català

UPF wants to welcome all members of the PDI who do not speak Catalan and wants to help them to learn and experience the university in this language. To this end, the welcome programme CAT UPF offers free courses each term that are specifically designed to accompany international and non Catalan-speakers PDI during their discovery of the Catalan language and culture.


Course details

  • Type of course: Online (via videoconference)
  • Objective: to provide newly-arrived lecturers with an introduction to the Catalan language, which includes A1-level vocabulary and grammar, and to start developing the four linguistic competences from an integrated and communicative perspective.
  • Target: UPF Teaching and Research Staff of the UPF with little or no prior knowledge of Catalan.
  • Trainer: Elisenda Campmany, Idiomes UPF
  • Duration: 10 hours (5 sessions)
  • Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday from 12.30 am to 2.30 pm
  • Calendar: 15, 20, 22, 27 & 29 February
  • UPF Certificate: On successful completion of the course, the participant will obtain a certificate containing the course details.
  • Fee: Free for UPF Teaching and Research Staff (PDI)
  • Number of participants in the course: Minimum 20 / Maximum 25


How can I enrol on the course?

You must select the code 1797/1 to add the course to the enrolment form, according to the following instructions:

If you have any doubts, contact us