I+D 2018 Projects


Generación del conocimiento


FAQ How to apply

FAQ 2018 Call - Generación del conocimiento

FAQ 2018 Call - Retos

enlightened Changes in 2018 Call - Generación de conocimiento

enlightened Changes in 2018 Call - Retos


Informative sessions presentations

2018 State Programme I+D+I Retos and Generación del Conocimiento Presentation

Open Access and CV Presentation

Budget Presentation

Presentation on RRI - Responsable Research and Innovation


mailApplications Deadline


IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that the legal representant signature is needed in order to close the application. Therefore, the Research Service must receive applications before the specific deadline; otherwise, we can not guarantee the signature and therefore the application presentation. 


Supporting documentation

Manual "How to apply"

Manual "How to apply for a coordinated project"

Researchers' curriculum (ENGLISH).

Instructions to fill in the curriculum.

Instructions to ICREA PI

Individual projects' Scientific memory  and instructions.

Coordinated projects' Scientific memory and instructions.

Participation authorisation in other universities' projects.

Participation authorisation in other universities' projects IP2

Participation authorisation as a team member in a project I+D 2018

Participation authorisation and cofinance agreement in Retos projects - A modality (JIN)

Cronograma template

Salary table to UPF contractation

Travel allowances normative

Instructions to fill in the indicators


Project ethics documentation

Biosecurity report Template.



Mininisterio de Economía y Competitividad - Proyectos I+D 2016 - APPLICATION . (Soon)

Comisisó interna de revisió ètica de projectes.



Projects Office - UPF Research Service: 
Montse Morillas. Tf. 93 316 08 71. Campus Mar, Edifici PRBB (300.08) 
Núria Nuñez/ Sílvia Mora. Tf. 93 542 22 30. Campus Ciutadella. Edifici Mercè Rodoreda (23.002)
Belén Pascual. Tf. 93 542 25 39 Campus Poblenou, Edifici Tànger (55.223) 

Email[email protected]


Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Secretaria de Estado de Investigación, Desarrrollo e Innovación : 
Consultes informàtiques: 916 038 220 . - Consultes generals: 914 959 554  
+ information.