Sota el segell del NODE UPF la Universitat presenta totes les a activitats que fa de transferència de coneixement per posar en valor i donar a conèixer la UPF com a universitat altament compromesa amb l’entorn social i econòmic, que posa el seu potencial de recerca i de talent al servei del desenvolupament i el creixement econòmic del país.

Back What do teenagers do online? Secondary Seminar EDUxperience, within the International Transmedia Literacy Conference

What do teenagers do online? Secondary Seminar EDUxperience, within the International Transmedia Literacy Conference

Conference organized by CLIK-UPF: six dynamic talks, given by teachers and teenagers, on 22 March in the auditorium of the Poblenou campus, as part of the Congress on the European project led by Carlos Alberto Scolari of the Department of Communication and that will take place from 22 to 24 March.




The Transmedia Literacy International Conference, an event linked to the H2020 project Transmedia Literacy led by Carlos Alberto Scolari, a member of the Department of Communication at UPF and principal investigator of the project, will be taking place from 22 to 24 March on UPF’s Poblenou campus.

As Scolari explains: “The new digital narratives are not taught at school: telling a story on Instagram, choosing the best focal point for a photo, writing a fan fiction or creating a meme are skills that are learnt on the network”, these are the main conclusions to which Transmedia Literacy comes, a project that has involved more than 30 researchers from eight countries over three years with the aim of exploring how adolescents behave in different social, geographical and education environments. Around this same theme: What do teenagers do online?, the Transmedia Literacy International Conference programme incorporates the Secondary Seminar organized by professor of the Department of Communication, Manel Jiménez, a member of the CLIK at UPF. This year the Seminar will be more innovative, under the name of EDUxperience, in the form of six dynamic talks, given by teachers and teenagers who learn and teach using the media. The meeting will be held on Thursday 22 March, in the auditorium of UPF’s Poblenou campus, from 10:00am to 1:00pm.

Cristina Abelló, producer and coordinator of cultural projects, is responsible for chairing the participants in EDUxperience:

Maria Sabiote, professor of social sciences, specializing in making proposals for gamification year 10.

Carla Sevillano Ballesteros, a student of the university bachelor’s degree in Video Games-Developers of the School of New Interactive Technologies (ENTI-University of Barcelona), specialist in applied games and themed entertainment (ENTI).

Txema Arenas Peiro, head of studies and teacher at the Institute Joan Salvat-Papasseit secondary school, Barcelona.  He has experience in the design, implementation and coordination of educational projects and strategic networks, and in designing educational activities. He is currently the coordinator of the European project KA219 Erasmus+ “like/dislike me: click here to find out more”.

Marta Botet, a high school student and booktuber on the channel “Recomanacions de llibres” (Book recommendations).

Gonzalo Frasca, chief design officer at the video game studio DragonBox and full professor of Games at ORT University (Uruguay). He has created games for Pixar, Cartoon Network, Lucasfilm and Warner Bros. He is currently developing DragonBox School, a new scientific method to learn mathematics through playing.

Solok.Os, is the stage name of Solomon Yeboah “Solo” Pinamang Koranteng, a 19-year old rapper thriving in the battle rap circuit of Barcelona.

In addition to EDUxperience, in the course of the Transmedia Literacy International Conference, on 22, 23 and 24 March there will be a total of nine workshops. You can consult their scheduling here, in Catalan, Spanish or English.

  • Transmedia narrative of literary origin
  • Booktube for all, literary videoblog workshop
  • Cooperative design of Didactic Cards 1.0
  • Cyberactivism, participation and feminist pedagogy
  • Transmedia intertextual systems as a pedagogical strategy
  • Game design strategies to create transmedia creative universes
  • Design of specific educational contents for the smartphone
  • Digital Literacy and Gender Violence on the Internet
  • Construction of the transmedia character

Further information:

Project Transmedia Literacy

Programme of the Transmedia Literacy International Conference, 22-24 March, UPF Poblenou campus (Roc Boronat, 138).

EDUxperience, Thursday, 22 March, from 10am to 1pm, auditorium of the UPF Poblenou campus (Roc Boronat, 138).

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#EDUxperience UPF



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