ES géneros discursivos cotidianos / CAT gèneres discursius quotidians / FR genres discursifs du quotidien / DE Alltagstextsorten

In a language learning context, everyday discourse genres are defined as socioculturally situated linguistic products related to the usual speaker’s routine and are not regulated by any kind of formal learning. Some examples of everyday life genres (also called authentic genres) are notes, WhatsApp messages, or colloquial conversations. Therefore, they are different from the didactized (adapted to language learning and teaching) and scholar genres.

According to the mode of communication, we distinguish between oral (debates, conversations, anecdotes, interviews, public presentations, etc.), written (letters to the editor, briefings, instructions, etc.) and multimodal discourse genres (personal electronic messages, blogs, professional webpages, etc.)


  • Ciapuscio, Guiomar E.  (1994), Tipos textuales, Buenos Aires: Instituto de Lingüística de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Cátedra de Semiología, Ciclo Básico Común, Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • Instituto Cervantes (2006). Plan curricular del Instituto Cervantes. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.