ES familia de géneros discursivos / CAT família de gèneres discursius / FR famille de genres discursifs / DE Genrekolonie

A colony of discourse genres is a group of genres sharing communicative purposes, either within a discipline or across various disciplines. Every member of this group of genres plays a specific role in the subtasks or tasks of the field. For instance, the colony of promotional genres (Bathia 2004: 62) includes book advertisements, job offers, and job application letters, among other things. This colony or group of genres shares a general communicative purpose (to advertise, that is, to promote commercial items, qualities or people), but each genre can be distinguished from the others by its specific communicative purposes.

Didactically, it is useful to group the discourse genres being learned in colonies or macro-genres, in accordance with their relationship with the colonies of situations or learning activities. This promotes the development of analogic transfer, that is, the ability to transfer what has already been learned to a similar activity within the same family.


  • Bergmann, Joerg R. y Luckmann, Thomas (1995). Reconstructive Genres. En Quasthoff, U. (Dir.), Aspects of Oral Communication, 289-304. Berlín: W. de Gruyter.
  • Bhatia, Vijay. K. (2004). Worlds of written discourse. A genre based view. Sídney: Continuum.
  • Ciapuscio, Guiomar (2007). Genres et familles de genres: apports pour l’acquisition de la compétence générique dans le domaine académique. Études de Linguistique Apliquée, 148, 405-416.