ES dimensión pragmáticaCAT dimensió pragmàtica / FR dimension pragmatique / DE pragmatische Dimension

The pragmatic dimension of discourse genres accounts for the immediate context of the production and reception of a text: the kind of participants involved and the links between them, the time and place, its communicative purpose, the pragmatic tactics and strategies employed (interlocutors’ inscription, modalization, politeness, etc.) These pragmatic tactics and strategies depend upon the sociocultural dimension or starting context where the genre belongs, and are expressed in the textual dimension with the lexical-grammatical resources of the language used.


  • Adamzik, Kirsten. (2000). Textsorten. Tubinga: Stauffenburg.
  • Bhatia, Vijay K. (2002). Applied genre analysis: A multi-perspective model. Ibérica, 4, 3-19.
  • Rose, David y Martin, Jim (2018). Leer para aprender. Lectura y escritura en las áreas del currículo (A. Bustelo Tortella, Trad.). Madrid: Pirámide.