1. Propose the basic drafting criteria for the university’s budget.
  2. Oversee activities of an economic nature, monitor the budget and approve, at the proposal of the Board of Governors, the university’s multi-year programming and expenditure and take the necessary steps to ensure compliance with the budget drafting criteria.
  3. Propose the approval of the balance sheet and annual report, the profit and loss account and the settlement of the university’s budget for the previous financial year, as well as the annual accounts of the entities that depend on it, in accordance with current regulations.
  4. Propose the approval of proposals for debt and guarantee operations to be submitted by the university to the authority responsible for universities for authorization by the Catalan government in accordance with current regulations and ensure compliance with the terms of those operations and the applicable regulations.
  5. Agree on credit transfers from capital operations to current operations, subject to the prior consent of the authority responsible for universities.
  6. Approve, at the proposal of the Board of Governors, applications for extraordinary loans or loan supplements, provided it is necessary to make an expenditure that cannot be deferred to the following financial year and for which no funding has been allocated in the budget, or when such funding is insufficient or cannot be extended. The agreement must provide for its financing.
  7. Approve the prices of the university’s own degree courses and of specialization courses, as well as any fee waivers or discounts falling under its jurisdiction, and the prices of the university’s services.
  8. Propose the decommissioning of university assets in the public domain in accordance with the provisions of Law 1/2003, of 19 February, on Catalan universities and Catalan property law.
  9. Propose that the rector be authorized to adopt agreements for the acquisition, disposal or encumbrance of the university’s real estate, movable property, securities or shares.
  10. Propose the limits beyond which the rector will require authorization from the Board of Trustees to adopt agreements for the acquisition, disposal or encumbrance of the university’s movable property, securities or shares.
  11. Be informed, directly by the university or by any other entity, of the conclusion of contracts and agreements entailing expenditures or revenue for the university.
  12. Agree, at the proposal of the Board of Governors, to the singular and individual allocation of the additional supplements established by the Catalan government for the remuneration of teaching, research and management merits of civil-servant and contracted teaching and research staff.
  13. Approve the list of administrative and service staff jobs at the university and the modifications and expenditures they entail.
  14. Determine the jobs to which the allocation of a given supplement corresponds, as well as the amount of the supplement, set the total amount allocated to productivity supplements and extraordinary bonuses, and approve the criteria for allocating and distributing them and the amounts of compensation for service.
  15. Issue a report on the university staff’s collective bargaining agreements prior to their conclusion.