Back Great turnout for the first Summer School on RRI

Great turnout for the first Summer School on RRI

The first Summer School on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) has taken place at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) from the 12th to the 15th of September. This course has been the first pilot trial to validate the educational materials developed by the UPF within the framework of the European project HEIRRI (Higher Education Institutions and RRI).


The aim of this teaching programme has been to help researchers to reflect upon the concept of responsibility in the R+D+i process, and to integrate this reflection into their own professional routines in a practical manner. The 15 participants that have attended this Summer School during an intensive week come from different fields (experimental sciences, political sciences, humanities, etc.) and their level of experience in research is also very varied (doctorate students, teachers and senior research staff, research managers and administration staff, etc.)

To stimulate multidisciplinary collaboration, the course has revolved around an inspiring and transversal topic: ageing. To cover different aspects of the concept of responsibility, the programme has counted on the participation of experts in the fields of ethics in research, gender equality in science, sustainability, public engagement and open access. The final result has been three research proposals, designed in multidisciplinary work groups, in which the students have integrated the various aspects of RRI in a practical way. 

The summer school has used innovative educational methodologies centered on active roles – reflexive but also practical- on behalf of the students. Amongst others, there took place a Jigsaw dynamic, a Walkshop and a Science Café. This last activity took place at CosmoCaixa, with the participation of various stakeholders such as volunteers from the AsVol Association and the Obra Social “la Caixa, the Pasqual Maragall Foundation, the Guttmann institute, EIT-Health and community centres. 

This educational programme has been co-organised by the Study Centre of Science, Communication and Society and the Science Education Research Group from the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences, together with the CLIK (Center for Learning Innovation and Knowledge). The teaching team was comprised by Gema Revuelta and Mar Carrió (directors), Gemma Rodríguez, Amelia Larkins and Nuria Saladié. The Vice Chancellor of Research and Doctorate of the UPF, Enric Vallduví; the director of the Gender Equality Unit of the UPF, Tània Verge and the Vice President of the Internal Committee of Ethical Revision of Projects (CIREP), Josep Blat, collaborated with the Summer School. In the Jigsaw activity, Mar Garreta, Head of the Mar University campus Library; Jordi Sunyer; head of the ISGlobal Infant Health Programme and Mar Escarrabill, science communicator and collaborator at the Bioethics and Law Observatory, leant their expertise. 



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