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II Jornada Indocent: Innovation and teaching quality in law: experiences, challenges and future prospects

On June 2 teaching experts from the field of law and innovation met at UPF to discuss new trends in education.



The event began with the presentation of the book “74 experiencias docents del grado en Derecho” (74 teaching experiences from the bachelor’s degree in Law) (2017) by Max Turull, tenured lecturer of History of Law and Institutions from University of Barcelona (UB); Pablo Pareja, professor and member of the research group on Public International Law and International Relations at UPF, and Lorena Ramírez, professor of Philosophy of Law at UPF.

Later on, the round table “Innovation and teaching quality in law: experiences, repeats and future prospects” took place. It was moderated by Albert Carrio, director of the Unit for Teaching Quality and Innovation at the Faculty of Law of the UPF. The round table gathered Anna Caballé, dean of the Faculty of Law (UPF); Manel Jiménez, director of the Center for Learning Innovation and Knowledge (UPF); Josep Joan Moreso, Professor of Philosophy of Law (UPF) and UPF’s former rector, and Max Turull, professor of the University of Barcelona (UB).

The contributions presented highlighted the need to adapt the concept of "innovation" to every bachelor’s degree -its objectives, learning methodologies and evaluation system. 

Subsequently, the experts emphasized the power of innovative learning methodologies such as the "case method", the project-based learning or problem-based learning (PBL), which are applicable in a specific way in all disciplines. In fact, in Law these methodologies are already used and are key to develop certain abilities and encouraging meaningful learning.

The skills that the job market requires from future graduates were also discussed. Indeed, additional to the technical knowledge acquired during the bachelor’s degree, students should also develop cross skills such as communication, argumentation and new technologies. It was agreed that it is a good idea to introduce these subjects during the 3rd and 4th year, or transform them into MOOC courses so that students can study from home.

"In order to foster these changes it is important that the University appoints units to support quality and innovation in teaching," said Manel Jiménez, director of the Center for Learning Innovation and Knowledge (CLIK), “at UPF, we have a fantastic team of professionals committed to innovation and new educational trends in the field of Law.”

Lastly, the speakers referred to the current educational model and the elements that require a transformation: new students are now more creative -passive consumers of knowledge-; they perceive study time, dedication and space in a different way; they challenge the teacher’s role with founded knowledge and they are more aware of innovation and social transfer. 




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