Back Prometeus, a UPF’s social innovation project, presented at Orsu Talks in Paris

Prometeus, a UPF’s social innovation project, presented at Orsu Talks in Paris

The project was presented on June 26th at the headquarters of Le Monde (Paris) by Prof. Manel Jiménez, Academic Director of the UPF’s Center for Learning Innovation and Knowledge.



The presentation

The Observatoire de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Universités (Observatory of Social Responsibility at Universities, ORSU) organized a one-day symposium on the democratization of university access. Through 5 TED-Talks, a number of experts reflected on whether there are inequalities during the university admission processes and how to overcome them. The UPF’s Prometeus Project, selected by AFEV, was brought up as a “best practice project” implemented in a European university. AFEV is a French non-profit organization that raises awareness on inequalities in education, youth participation, and the social responsibility of universities.

“Universities must foster networking between social and economic agents by including social innovation prajects”, highlighted Prof. Jiménez at Le Lab interview, AFEV’s digital magazine. The Prometeus Project is an example of this that promotes the smooth transition of students between secondary school and the university.

An awarded project

The Prometeus Project aims to facilitate the transition to university for students with economic difficulties and from underprivileged backgrounds in the Raval district.

This initiative, promoted by the CLIK, the Integral Educational Association of El Raval and the Periódico del Raval newspaper, includes educational innovation performances in public secondary schools, before university studies, in the access process and throughout their academic career.

The project made a big impact within the Raval neighbourhood of Barcelona, where secondary schools students can’t usually make it to university because of socioeconomic aspects. Thanks to this project a growing number of students have accessed university studies from 2016. In May of 2018 the project was recognized with the prize Barcelona Educational Innovation.


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