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Choose UPF books on pedagogical innovation for Sant Jordi!

Aprender a enseñar (Learning how to teach), by Oriol Amat, and Narrativas Transmedia: Cuando todos los medios cuentan (Transmedia Narratives: When all media channels count), by Carlos Scolari are two of the books on teaching innovation that the CLIK proposes you to deepen into teaching innovation.



Aprender a enseñar (Learning how to teach) is a book based on Prof. Oriol Amat’s teaching experience. It throws the spotlight on teaching aspects that should help teachers transform their classes into a fun experience, where students learn and improve their skills in a relaxed way. Amat proposes didactic and pedagogical methods to boost teaching quality and invites lecturers to reflect on their teaching methods through practical exercises and cases. Oriol Amat i Salas is professor of Financial Economics and Accounting at UPF, President of the Catalan Association of Accounting and Management and President of the Accounting Committee of the Association of Economists of Catalonia, among others.

* Profit Editorial, 2000 (in Spanish).


Narrativas Transmedia: cuando todos los medios cuentan (Transmedia Narratives: When all media channels count) analyses the role and messages broadcasted by today’s multiple media in a critical way. Scolari's reflections are addressed mainly to teachers and communication students, but also to journalists, cinema and audiovisual professionals. Carlos Alberto Scolari is a professor at the UPF’s UCA of Communication. He is also the principal investigator of the Transmedia Literacy (EU’s Horizon 2020 program 2015-2018)  and Transalfabetismos.


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