9. Inaugural poster

Cristina BanBan: “I wanted to make a reference to the figure of Rodin’s Thinker, a symbol of the dreamer and creation”


The creator of the inaugural poster for the 2023-2024 academic year at UPF, Cristina BanBan (El Prat de Llobregat, 1987), is an internationally renowned and award-winning artist. She has shown her artistic works at galleries around the world, such as Skarstedt (London and New York) or Perrotin (Tokio, Shanghai and Paris). Her works are also part of permanent collections of institutions such as Fondation Louis Vuitton (Paris) or Columbus Museum of Art (Ohio); or they have been shown in collective exhibitions in the Royal Academy of Art in London or The Hort Family Collections in New York, where she currently lives.

A fine arts graduate, she is known for her semi-autobiographical nude portraits, featuring Rubenesque female figures in a neoclassical style. In this interview, she discusses the ideas that inspired her and that she sought to convey with the inaugural poster for this academic year. 

Cristina BanBan, envoltada d’algunes de les seves obres
Cristina BanBan with some of her works (by Albert Font)

What were your thoughts when you were commissioned to create the inaugural poster for the 2023-2024 academic year at UPF? 

I was thrilled to accept the UPF commission. It was a source of pride for me to join the ranks of historical artists who have also been part of this project – who had created previous posters – such as Tàpies, whom I admire very much. I usually never work on commission, but this struck me as an interesting opportunity to change the types of projects I participate in a bit and see the work reflected in a different format, as I usually paint for shows.

Cartell inaugural del curs 2023-2024 de la UPF, obra de Cristina BanBan
Inaugural poster for the 2023-2024 academic year at UPF by Cristina BanBan