Vés enrere Real-time communication Barcelona meetup

Real-time communication Barcelona meetup

An activity within the framework of the Mobile World Congress Barcelona and coorganized by the DTIC.



WebRTC is a web standard and movement to bring the power of real-time, peer-to-peer voice, video, and data communications with a few simple JavaScript APIs. With over 2 billion devices supported and deployments at companies Amazon, Google, American Express, and hundreds of others, WebRTC is rapidly turning from an obscure standard to a mainstream API. Join us to learn more about this technology, share use cases, and discover the latest in this revolutionary technology.


UPF coorganized this meetup which had the following schedule:

16.40 Meeting point at MWC (Oracle's booth 3B20 )
17.00 Bus departs
17.40 Food and drinks served
18.00 Opening remarks
18.10  TBD - Jason Goecke, VP and GM, Cisco
18.30 WebRTC implementation in WebKit, current situation and future - Juan José Sánchez Penas, Founder, Igalia
18.50  WebRTC Standards update  - Dominique Hazaël, Telecom industry manager, W3C
19.10 Networking break (food and beverages)
20.00 OTT RTC and WebRTC – the opportunity ahead for Telcos  - Juan de Bravo, Architect and Technical Manager
20.20 WebRTC use cases: some success stories - TBA
20.40 Closing remarks



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Els ODS a la UPF
