Since 2003 the UPF International Programs have been opening opportunities for advanced education at UPF. 
The UPF participates in exchange agreements with prestigious partner universities and with third-party providers  who trust us for their students’ internationalization experiences in mobility, which now include online courses too.

Through these  partnerships, students from the USA, Canada, Mexico, France, China or Japan have immersed in our university community and participated in our different academic programs. 

More recently, the Barcelona Program for Interdisciplinary Studies and the Barcelona International Summer School have enlarged the diversity of our student population by incorporating UPF students and freemovers from partner universities from all over the world. Students from Europe, Russia, Turkey, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Egypt, Lebanon, Philippines or India, among others, have enriched the provenance of our internationalized university community. 


The over 15000 students who have joined our programs in the last years endorse the UPF International Programs high-quality teaching in a top-tier European university.