MELODIA - Melody Extraction vamp plug-in
The MELODIA plug-in automatically estimates the pitch of a song's main melody. More specifically, it implements an algorithm that automatically estimates the fundamental frequency corresponding to the pitch of the predominant melodic line of a piece of polyphonic (or homophonic or monophonic) music.
Given a song, the algorithm estimates:
- When the melody is present and when it is not (a.k.a. voicing detection)
- The pitch of the melody when it is present
A non-scientist friendly introduction to Melody Extraction as well as the algorithm, including graphs and sound examples, can be found on:
For computational reasons, MELODIA is composed of two vamp plug-ins: "MELODIA - Melody Extraction" and "MELODIA - Melody Extraction (intermediate steps)". The former provides the main output of MELODIA (the pitch of the predominant melody), whilst the latter provides visualisations of the intermediate steps calculated by the algorithm (see Input/Output below for further details). Both plug-ins are included in a single MELODIA library file available for Windows, OSX and Linux.
Full details of the algorithm can be found in the following paper:
J. Salamon and E. Gómez, "Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Music Signals using Pitch Contour Characteristics", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 20(6):1759-1770, Aug. 2012.
We would highly appreciate if scientific publications of works partly based on the MELODIA plug-in cite the above publication.
The MELODIA vamp plug-in has been made possible by the kind support of the entities mentioned in the acknowledgements.