
At the MTG, we want to put our capacities and technologies at the service of society. We believe that our work can have a positive impact in people's live. For this reason it is crucial to communicate and transfer our knowledge to the society.

We also want to be connected with the artistic community and contribute to cultural projects, for this reason we have a close collaboration with the Phonos Foundation, with which we maintain a program that fosters links with artists. Phonos activities include: concerts, seminars by artists, artist in residence program and educational activities.

Research dissemination

Organization of conferences and events

The MTG aims to promote its research results amongst the academic community, participating and organizing events for disseminating the results of the research done. We have been involved in the organization of some of the main research conferences of our field and other outreach events to promote the research in music.

Communication and dissemination activities

Regularly we participate in events to explain our research to the general public. We are especially interested in activities addressed to young students in order to contribute to stimulate their career interests. Some examples are our participation at Fira de recerca en directe, La festa de la ciencia, Escolab or YoMo.

We also participate in workshops, seminars and talks on various topics for researchers and students to disseminate our research. Most of them are done in the frame of the research semaninars organized by ICT department of UPF.

Open science and reproducible research

Open science promotes the dissemination of scientific results online, aiming to make research outputs available to everybody, making science more transparent and efficient. We put online all our publications and promote the reproducibility of our results by also making available the software and datasets used in our research.

In order to support open science, specific talks are regularly organised, bringing together the diverse stakeholders active in the innovation ecosystem. Check the closely related talks about Reproducibility.

Video archive

Cultural activities

Concerts and seminars

The MTG wants to promote activities to foster the relation between research and artists, and to do that we closely collaborate with Phonos Foundation. The program includes concerts and seminars open to the general public.

Phonos Concerts aim to articulate a vibrant mix of proposals in which new technologies play a fundamental role: mixed-electroacoustic concerts, live-electronic concerts, multimedia performances and more. Seminars with guest lecturers include presentations, demonstrations, listening and reading panels, as well as hybrid formats, on different topics around the relationship between music and technology.

Participation in Music and Technology dissemination events

Every year, MTG researchers participate in events related to the music sector and open to a general audience. We also collaborate with music professionals organization. Some of our regular collaborations are:



Artist in residence program

The MTG aims to promote and encourage the production of artistic works which use technology to create music, through a collaboration with Phonos in its Artist in residence program.

The artists in residence work on projects that benefit from the use the infrastructure of the MTG, Phonos and UPF; the expert advice and guidance of MTG researchers and Phonos; and they have the possibility to present their work within the Phonos concerts program.


Freesound workshops

The sound workshops program aims to promote interest in sound and sound technologies as a means to understand and influence our surroundings. We organize workshops where participants learn to listen, think, and work with the sound of our environment, through exercises and creative strategies. The project also emphasizes the dissemination and collaborations based on open science ideas.

The workshops are targetted to different ages and groups, and we work in partnership with schools, civic centers, associations and cultural centers.

Community resources

The MTG creates and maintains a number of useful resources. Most of them are of interest to the research community, like software and datasets, but we are also interested in having resources of relevance for a wider audience, like the ones listed here. More resources are listed in the education page.