Selected publications:

Selected publications:

Course 2022-2023

Benach, J., Alonso, F., Álvarez, D., Artazcoz, L., Cabanas, E., González, B., Matilla-Santander, N., Muntaner, C., Quintero, M.G., Zafra, R. & Muntané, F. (2023). Precariedad laboral y salud mental. Conocimientos y políticas. Sinopsis del Informe PRESME. Papeles de relaciones ecosociales y cambio global, 161, 127-142.

Muntané, F. (2023). ¿Crisis demográfica o crisis de cuidados? Papeles de relaciones ecosociales y cambio global, 160, 59-69.

Bosmans, K., Vignola, E. F., Alvarez-l, V., Ahonen, E. Q., Bolíbar, M., Gutierrez-Zamora, M., et al. (2023). Experiences of insecurity among non-standard workers across different welfare states: A qualitative cross-country study. Social Science & Medicine, 327, 115970.

Benach, J. (coord.) (2023). PRESME Report. Precariedad laboral y salud mental. Conocimientos y políticas. Ministry of Labour and Social Economy (Madrid, Spain).

Matilla-Santander, N., Jonsson, J., Kreshpaj, B., Orellana, C., Benach, J., Badarin, K., Burström, B., Vives, A., Kjellberg, K., Strömdahl, S., Johansson, G., Östergren, P. O., & Bodin, T. (2022). The relation between precarious employment arrangements and social precarity - Findings from the PREMIS study in Stockholm, Sweden. International Journal of Health Services, 52(2), 201-211.

Padrosa, E., Julià, M., Bolíbar, M., Gutiérrez-Zamora, M., Escrig-Piñol, A., The PWR Consortium. (2022). Non-standard employment and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain: A qualitative study. European Journal of Public Health, 32(Supplement_3), ckac131.268.


Course 2021-2022

Bolíbar, M., Belvis, F., & Gutiérrez-Zamora, M. (2022). The Embodiment of Insecurity: How Precarious Labour Market Trajectories Affect Young Workers’ Health and Wellbeing in Catalonia (Spain). En N. Miric (Ed.), Faces of Precarity: Critical Perspectives on Work, Subjectivities and Struggles. ISBN 978-1529220070

Caroz-Armayones, J. M., Benach, J., Delclós, C. & Julià, M. (2022) The double burden of precariousness: linking housing, employment, and perceived stress – a cross-sectional study, International Journal of Environmental Health Research, DOI: 10.1080/09603123.2022.2075330

Belvis, F. X., Bolibar, M., Benach, J., & Julià, M. (2022). Precarious Employment and Chronic Stress: Do Social Support Networks Matter? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1909.

Padrosa E, Vanroelen C, Muntaner C, Benach J, Julia M. (2022) Precarious employment and mental health across European welfare states: a gender perspective. Int Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 95, 1463–1480

Bolibar, M., Belvis, F. X., Jódar, P., Vives, A., Méndez, F., Bartoll-Roca, X., Pozo, O. J., Gomez-Gomez, A., Padrosa, E., Benach, J., & Julià, M. (2021). Precarious Employment and Stress: The Biomedical Embodiment of Social Factors. PRESSED Project Study Protocol. Frontiers in public health, 9, 649447.

Llop-Gironés, A., Vračar, A., Llop-Gironés, G., et al. (2021). Employment and working conditions of nurses: where and how health inequalities have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic?. Hum Resour Health 19(112).

Matilla-Santander, N., Ahonen, E., Albin, M., et al. (2021). COVID-19 and Precarious Employment: Consequences of the Evolving Crisis. International Journal of Health Services, 51(2), 226-228. doi:10.1177/0020731420986694.


Previous courses

Benach, J. (Coord.). (2020). Trajectòries laborals precàries i salut en el jovent català. Una anàlisi a partir de les dades de l’Enquesta a la Joventut de Catalunya 2017 (Report). Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya.

Benach, J., Alòs, J. & Jódar, P. (2020). La civilización del malestar: precarización del trabajo y efectos sociales y de salud. Papeles ecosociales, 150, 23-43.

Padrosa, E., Belvis, F., Benach, J. & Julià, M. (2021). Measuring precarious employment in the European Working Conditions Survey: psychometric properties and construct validity in Spain. Qual Quant 55, 543–562. DOI: 10.1007/s11135-020-01017-2 

Padrosa, E., Bolíbar, M., Julià, M. et al. (2021). Comparing Precarious Employment Across Countries: Measurement Invariance of the Employment Precariousness Scale for Europe (EPRES-E). Social Indicators Research, 154, 893–915.

Padrosa, E., & Julià, M. (2020). Precarious employment and mental health in European welfare state regimes: A multilevel approach. European Journal of Public Health, 30(Supplement_5), ckaa165.1353.

Vanroelen, C., Julià, M., & Van Aerden, K. (2021). Precarious Employment: An Overlooked Determinant of Workers’ Health and Well-Being? In C. Korunka (Ed.), Flexible Working Practices and Approaches. Springer.

Vives, A., Benmarhnia, T., González, F., & Benach, J. (2020). The importance of using a multi-dimensional scale to capture the various impacts of precarious employment on health: Results from a national survey of Chilean workers. PLoS ONE, 15(9), e0238401.

Vives, A., Gonzalez, F., & Benach, J. (2020). Measuring Precarious Employment: Type of Contract Can Lead to Serious Misclassification Error. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 64(9), 1035-1038.

Vives, A., Amable, M., & Benach, J. (2020). La precariedad laboral entendida como fenómeno multidimensional y la salud. El caso de Chile. En Mário César Ferreira & Jorge Tarcísio da Rocha Falcão (Organizadores), Intensificação, precarização, esvaziamento do trabalho e margens de enfrentamento (pp. 50-77). Universidade Federal do Grande do Norte, edufrn.

Julià, M., Belvis, F., Vives, A., Tarafa, G., & Benach, J. (2019). Informal employees in the European Union: Working conditions, employment precariousness, and health. Journal of Public Health, 41(2), e141–e151.

Julià M., Ollé-Espluga, Vanroelen C., De Moortel D., Mousaid S., Vinberg S., Puig-Barrachina V., Sánchez E., Muntaner C., Artazcoz L., Benach J. (2017). Employment and labor market results for the SOPHIE Project: concepts, analyses and policies. International Journal of Health Services, 47(1), 18-39.

Julià M., Vanroelen C., Bosmans K., Van Aerden K., Benach J. (2017). Precarious employment and employment quality in relation to health and well-being in Europe. International Journal of Health Services, 47(3), 389-409.

Julià, M., Vives, A., Tarafa, G., & Benach, J. (2017). Changing the way we understand precarious employment and health: Precarisation affects the whole salaried population. Safety Science, 100, 66-73.

Ruiz, M. E., Vives, A., Martínez, E., Julià, M., & Benach, J. (2017). How does informal employment impact population health? Lessons from the Chilean employment conditions survey. Safety Science, 100(Part A), 57-65.

Julià, M., Tarafa, G., O'Campo, P., Muntaner, C., Jódar, P., & Benach, J. (2016). Informal employment in high-income countries for a health inequalities research: A scoping review. Work, 53(2), 347-356.

Benach, J., Julià, M., Tarafa, G., Mir, J., Molinero, E., & Vives, A. (2015). Multidimensional measurement of precarious employment: Social distribution and its association with health in Catalonia (Spain). Gaceta Sanitaria, 29(5), 375-378.

Llop-Gironés, A., Tarafa, G., & Benach, J. (2015). Nurse staffing, working conditions and the impact on health. Gaceta Sanitaria, 29(2), 155-156.

Benach, J., & Muntaner, C., with Solar, O., Santana, V., and Quinlan, M., and the Employment Conditions Network. (2014). Employment, Work and Health Inequalities: A Global Perspective. Icaria Editorial. ISBN: 978-84-9888-518 (ebook).