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Next Policy Dialogue session: Universal Basic Income

What are the economic, social and psychological impacts of Universal Basic Income? Join us in reflecting on this topic in the next Policy Dialogues on June 28th.



Universal Basic Income (UBI) is an income redistribution mechanism that involves the delivery of an adequate monetary allowance to all individuals in a specific territory, without imposing restrictions or conditionalities, and aided by the State or a government entity.(1) The amount allocated must be sufficient to meet basic needs and is characterized by its periodicity and continuity over time. The purpose of the UBI is to ensure a minimum level of income for all, with the aim of promoting equity and alleviating poverty.

Although the UBI has attracted increasing interest in recent years, its conceptualization has been studied for decades. In Catalonia, extensive research has been conducted with the support of the Basic Income Earth Network.(1) Internationally, similar strategies have been developed in other countries such as the United States, Canada, Brazil, the Netherlands, India, South Korea, Ireland, among others.

This Policy Dialogue will be an opportunity to analyze, debate and reflect on the economic, social and psychological impacts of the UBI, especially in Catalonia where a pilot scheme contributes to the global debate on UBI. Given that it is in an experimental stage, the success or failure of this pilot could influence the perception and adoption of similar policies in other parts of Spain and the world.


Title: Universal Basic Income and the importance of public policy evaluation.

Date/Time: Wednesday, June 28th at 10:00 am.

Speakers: Sergi Raventós, Daniel Raventós, Mireia Borrell and Eduardo Garzón

Location: UPF Campus de la Ciutadella, Edifici Mercè Rodoreda, Sala Polivalent


Registration and more information at the following link:


1. Informe de disseny Pla pilot de la renda bàsica universal. (2023).




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