Back New article co-authored by Christos Zografos analyzing the discourses of yellow-vest resistance against carbon taxes

New article co-authored by Christos Zografos analyzing the discourses of yellow-vest resistance against carbon taxes



Researcher and faculty member Professor Christos Zografos has co-authored an academic paper in the high-impact journal Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions analyzing the discourses of yellow-vest resistance against carbon taxes.

Title: A discourse analysis of yellow-vest resistance against carbon taxes

Authors: Rimel I. Mehleb (ICTA-UAB), Giorgos Kallis (ICTA-UAB) and Christos Zografos (UPF)


Carbon taxation is a core instrument for climate mitigation. Its implementation, however, faces popular resistance. In this paper we study one of the most emblematic mobilizations triggered by the carbon tax issue, the Yellow Vest movement in France. We use Q-methodology, a mixed- method approach to identify discourses (or viewpoints) held by protesters. We find four statistically-distinctive viewpoints, emphasizing respectively: a systemic critique of capitalism; environmental action that is fair; priority over incomes and purchasing power of common people; and inequality and the responsibilities of corporations. Our research points to the importance of ideology in shaping viewpoints and filtering attitudes towards carbon taxes. Yet beyond ideo-logical differences, we find consensus among all discourses, in that there should be more consultation in energy transition policy; the rich and not the poor should pay the cost of transition; and the government should use tax revenue for the transition only. We conclude that, for bold carbon tax schemes to be implemented with less conflict, a much more participatory, transparent and equitable design would be necessary than the one experienced in France. 





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