Interactive Technologies Group

Interactive Technologies Group

Interactive Technologies Group

The GTI (Interactive Technologies Group) is a research group within the Department of Information and Communication Technologies at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. The GTI focuses on human aspects and technology, especially those related to enhancing people’s use of computer technologies, including technological and HCI research. The group integrates researchers in the areas of Human-Computer Interaction and Advanced 3D Graphics.

The interdisciplinary research and technical skills of the GTI have been applied in a wide range of contexts, from ad-hoc usability studies and R+D projects in a wide variety of contexts (urban, social, and industry oriented) to the design and implementation of robots and telematics applications. The areas where the strengths of the group are particularly noticeable in the recent years are related to interactive systems, on-line interactive 3D graphics, augmented information access, digital inclusion, expressive avatars in media and serious games.

Amb el suport de:

Grup de Tecnologies Interactives

Tànger building (Poblenou campus)
Tànger, 122-140
08018 Barcelona

[email protected]
[email protected]

Twitter (@GTI_UPF)
