Back Torres Perez, Aida


Departament de Dret

Aida Torres Pérez is Professor of Constitutional Law, Deputy Director of the Law Department, and Coordinator of the PhD Program in Law at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona). She holds and LL.M (2002) and a JSD (2006) from the Yale Law School. She has been a visiting scholar at the European University Institute (Florence 2009), the University of Trento (2011), the University of Maastricht (2012), the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg 2013, 2015), and the   The Danish National Research Foundation's Centre of Excellence for International Courts, iCourts (Copenhagen 2014).




European constitutionalism,

judicial dialogue,

the interpretation and protection of fundamental rights in Europe,

EU citizenship,

judicial independence




Hernández Ramos, M., Saiz Arnaiz, M., Torres Pérez, A., Zelaia Garagarza, M. (eds.),  Tribunales en organizaciones de integración: Unión europea, Comunidad Andina y Mercosur, Thomson Reuters/Civitas, Cizur Menor, 2012

La projecció de la potestat subvencional sobre la distribució competencial.  Anàlisi de la pràctica estatal, IEA, Barcelona, 2011 

Conflict of Rights in the European Union: A Theory of Supranational Adjudication, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009  


"The Challenges for Constitutional Courts as Guardians of Fundamental Rights in the European Union", en P. Popelier, A. Mazmanyan and W. Vandenbruwaene (eds.),  The Role of Constitutional Courts in Multilevel Governance, Intersentia, 2013

"Constitutional Dialogue on the European Arrest Warrant: The Spanish Constitutional Court Knocking on Luxembourg's Door",European Constitutional Law Review, núm. 8, 2012

"The Dual System of Rights Protection in the European Union in Light of US Federalism", en E. Cloots, G. De Baere and S. Sottiaux (eds),  Federalism in the European Union, Hart Publishing, 2012

"The Judicial Impact of European Law in Spain: ECHR and EU Law Compared",  Yearbook of European Law, núm. 30, 2011

"Una Carta de Derechos Fundamentales para una organización de integración supranacional. La Carta como instrumento de ·federalización", en A. Culleton, A. Maués, G. Tosi, M.L. Alencar, P. Weyl (eds.),  Direitos Humanos e Integraçao Latino-Americana, Entrementes, 2011

"La designación de jueces del Tribunal de justicia de la Unión Europea: el Comité del artículo 255 TFUE",  Revista Unión Europea Aranzadi, núm. 8-9, 2011

"En defensa del pluralismo constitucional", en Ugartemendía, J. I., & Jáuregui, G. (coord.),  Derecho constitucional europeo,Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2011