Aubarell Solduga, Gemma
Gemma Aubarell Solduga (Spain, 1965) is currently Head of the Mediterranean Relations and European Networks Service of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Department of Foreign Action, International Relations and Transparency. She has been head of the Programmes and Networks Unit of the Anna Lindh Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures (Alexandria, Egypt) 2009-2016 and director of the Department of Programs of the European Institute of the Mediterranean (Barcelona) 1998-2008.
She is currently Associate Professor at the School of Communication and International Relations. Blanquerna-URL in Barcelona, associate researcher at GRITIM-Pompeu Fabra University, president of the ethical advisory board of the Horizon 2020 TransGang project on youth organizations and conflicts (UPF) and member of the board of the Global Fund for Educational Citizenship (ideaborn, Barcelona).
Author of collective books and articles on civil society, migration, intercultural dialogue and Euro-Mediterranean relations. Among them she coordinated the edition of the Mediterranean Yearbook (IEMed) until 2008 and the Anna Lindh Raport on Intercultural Trends (ALF) 2012 - 2014 editions. She was responsible for the European programs Dawrak-Citizens for Dialogue (2012-2014), coordinator of the Youth program Mediterranean Voices (2012-2016), member of the scientific committee of the UE Sahwa research project (2014-2017) and main expert of the program labelled by the UpM “Forming Responsible Citizenship in the Southern Mediterranean” (2017-2018).
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