Back New book chapter by Oriol Puig Cepero «L’Union européenne au Niger et les Nigériens en Europe: mobilités et frontières»

New book chapter by Oriol Puig Cepero «L’Union européenne au Niger et les Nigériens en Europe: mobilités et frontières»



GRITIM-UPF Associate Researcher Oriol Puig Cepero's chapter entitled «L’Union européenne au Niger et les Nigériens en Europe: mobilités et frontières» (The European Union in Niger and Nigerians in Europe: mobilities and borders), has just been published. This chapter is part of the newly published book Routes Africaines de la Migration, Dynamiques sociales et politiques de la construction de l’espace africain, co-directed by Salim Chena and Aissa Kadri and edited by éditions du croquant.

Oriol Puig Cepero, associate researcher at GRITIM-UPF, whose areas of expertise range from intra-African and trans-Saharan migrations to climate change, border externalization and human mobility, holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Barcelona (UB) and his thesis on trans-Saharan mobility between Niger and Libya was awarded the 2017 Extraordinary Prize of the UB. In addition, he is an associate professor in the GRITIM-UPF master's degree on postcolonialism and migrations, and a collaborating professor at the UOC on globalization and migrations. He is a member of several Africanist research groups in Spain and internationally.

More information on the book chapter and book can be found in the following link:



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