Ph.D. Summer School
EuroMedMi Ph.D. Summer School 2021
"Mediterranean Migration Studies: Theoretical and Empirical Research Agenda"
An IMISCOE Regional Network initiative
An Erasmus + Jean Monnet joint action
June 28 to July 3, 2021, Ciutadella Campus, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Direction: Ricard Zapata-Barrero
Co-Direction: Ibrahim Awad
Academic Coordination: Luisa Faustini (GRITIM-UPF)
The main objective of this IMISCOE Summer Course is to provide an intensive program that promotes Mediterranean Migration Studies. It will be topic-oriented, and will follow three main drivers:
- Promoting innovative research shaping the Mediterranean Migration Research agenda.
- Debating new patterns/drivers of Mediterranean Human Mobility and governance reactions.
- Following Med-Thinking by enhancing multiple views of the Mediterranean as a category of analysis, avoiding Eurocentrism and generalized arguments, and focusing on positive views of migration.
Considering the different topics that the Ph.D. students are developing in their studies, the common concern on methodologies, categories and approaches of analysis will be the main instrumental focus. Therefore, it will be required that students work in teams and create presentations directed at adapting their research projects to Mediterranean Migration Studies as a new area of research.
The Ph.D. Summer School is offered to multi-disciplinary and international individuals working on Mediterranean Migration. A maximum of 20 outstanding Ph.D. students will be admitted.
Multi-disciplinarity, multi-topics, multi-methodologies and multi-sited coverage will be ensured. Additionally, we will be gender sensitive both at the level of professors, students and topics covered. Teaching materials, ICT technologies, social events, as well as social and policy encounters will be included.
The inclusion of narratives from the South providing new views/voices/perspectives is part of our agenda.
The program includes a range of academic activities such as: lectures (opening and closing lectures), academic and social roundtables, a documentary screening with the presence of the directors as well as PhD. Workshops.
Who can apply
PhD. students doing their research on Mediterranean Migration.
Key dates
The reception of applications for the EuroMedMig PhD Summer School will remain open till we reach the maximum number of students permitted.
The tuition fee for the program is 600€ (the fees cover a welcome kit with all course material, lunch for the entire week, welcome and closure cocktail).
The tuition fee for the streamig option is 450€
The Union for the Mediterranean will be funding scholarships to outstanding PhD students coming from institutions in the Southern/Eastern Mediterranean*. They will be granted on a bases of academic merit and considering geographical and gender balance. These scholarships will cover expenses related to the student’s travel and accommodation. (This does not cover tuition fees).
Students that fit the requirements and would like to apply to the Scholarship should fill out the option in the application form and indicate a justification of their motivation through an addition motivation letter entitled: Why I am requesting a Scholarship.
How to apply
You must fill out the Application Form and provide all documents as per requested on the brochure. Documents must be sent to: [email protected] (Subject: SUBMISSION PhD SUMMER COURSE 2020)
Scientific Committee
- Hassen Boubakri – University of Sousse, Tunisia
- Hassan Bousetta – CEDEM, University of Liege, Belgium
- Yvan Gastaut – URMIS, University of Nice, France
- Ahmet İçduygu – MiReKoc, Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey
- Boutaina Ismaili Idrissi – AMERM, Rabat, Morocco
- Maria Lucinda Fonseca – IGOT, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
About this activity
This is an initiative of the EuroMedMig IMISCOE Regional Network funded by IMISCOE. It is also an activity within a three-year (2019-2022) Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Network Program (Project Reference:611260-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPJMO-NETWORK) entitled “Mapping European Mediterranean Migration Studies” (Acronym: EUMedMi) and coordinated by GRITIM-UPF.